Magia Record English Wiki

Regular Quotes[]

Magical Girl

自己紹介⓵ - Self Introduction 1
[JP] 何?仲良し魔法少女チームでも組もうってんなら、悪いけど他を当たってくれるかい?あたしはね、いついかなる時でも魔法は自分のためにしか使わないって決めてるのさ。戦場で出会った時にはよろしくな。獲物をかけて真っ向から勝負だ。
[NA] Huh? You want me to play nice in your little Magical Girl gang? Sorry, but can you go look somewhere else? I made my mind up to only use my magic for myself, no matter what. If we meet on the battlefield, we’ll see who’s the best hunter... Winner takes all.

自己紹介⓶ - Self Introduction 2
[JP] 佐倉杏子だ。よろしく。あたしと一緒に戦いたいなら、晩飯でもおごってもらおっかなー?って、冗談だよ。昼飯で良いよ。
[NA] Name's Kyoko Sakura. Good to meet ya. If you wanna fight alongside me, you better be willin' to reward me with dinner... Heh, I'm kiddin'. Lunch'll do just fine!

Personal Story

Story Chapter End 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] I guess the purer a person is, the easier they are to hurt...

Story Chapter End 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] It's been a long time since I ate at a fancy restaurant... Man, that was good.

Story Chapter End 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] I can't believe she gave me flowers *Chuckle* I guess I met a cute Witch today.

Story Select 1
[JP] アンタは色々、溜め込むのが早そうだからさ
[NA] Ya look like ya stress out real easy.

Story Select 2
[JP] 甘っちょろい魔法少女は、早死にするからな
[NA] Naive Magical Girls get killed quick.

Story Select 3
[JP] …まぁ、いっか。タダ飯なら頂くよ
[NA] ..Well, a free meal's a free meal.

Story Select 4
[JP] あたしはね、何が何でも生きてみせる
[NA] I'm gonna survive no matter what.

Story Select 5
[JP] そんなバカを、あたしは放っておけないんだ
[NA] I can't just ignore idiots like that.

Story Select 6
[JP] これに懲りたら、もうバカな真似はやめな
[NA] If ya get it, then don't be a dumbass.

Unused 1
[JP] 花より団子ってヤツなんだよ、あたしはさ
[NA] Substance over style, that's me.


強化完了 - Strengthening Complete
[JP] うん、まあまあいい感じだな。この調子でいくか!
[NA] Heh, this feels pretty good. Let's keep it movin'!

強化(Lv最大時) - Strengthening Max
[JP] よし、ここまで来たら、次のステップをどうするか、だな。
[NA] Yeah! I guess from here on out it's how to take the next step, right?

エピソードLvアップ - Episode Lvl Up
[JP] 人にはそれぞれ物語がある。だったらこれは、あたしの物語だ。
[NA] Everyone has a story. This is mine.

魔力解放 - Magical Release 1
[JP] どうせやるなら極めるのがあたしの性分。最高難度だろうが、パーフェクトでクリアしてやるよ!は?だからダンスゲームの話だって。
[NA] Anythin' I do, I gotta master it completely. So I gotta clear the toughest difficulty with all perfects, ya know? Huh? I'm talkin' about dance games, duh.

魔力解放 - Magical Release 2
[JP] 次々落ちてくるノーツを追うわけだからさ、動体視力も鍛えられて、これが案外バトルの役に立つわけよ。そっ、ダンスゲームの話ね。
[NA] I have to chase one note after the next as they appear. It loosens up my visual reflexes, so it kinda helps me out during battles... Yeah, I'm talkin' about dance games.

魔力解放 - Magical Release 3
[JP] あたし気付いたんだ。究極はさ、もう譜面の暗記なわけ。だから、存外頭も鍛えられるんだなー、これが。どう?アンタも一曲踊ってみる?
[NA] Yo, I noticed somethin'. You gain mastery by memorizin' the music to a song, so surprise, this even helps ya train your brain. Wanna try dancin' through a song?

マギアLvアップ - Magia Lvl Up
[JP] うん。なんか調子いい感じしてるねえ。手応えあるよ。
[NA] Yep, feelin' great right now. Gettin' some real results here!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 1
[JP] 悪くないねえ、この感じ。軽く暴れてこようかなー!
[NA] Hey, this doesn't feel too bad... Maybe I'll go on a little rampage real quick now!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 2
[JP] あたしみたいにバカなことを願っちまった奴を見てると、腹が立つんだよ。でも、やっぱりあたしみたいで、放っておけなくなるんだよ。
[NA] Nothin' gets on my nerves like seein' some girl make a stupid wish like I did. But...I did do the same, so I can't just leave them alone.

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 3
[JP] もう願っちまったもんはしょうがないじゃん? だからあたしは、他人のために魔法少女になったやつにも幸せな結末が待ってたらって、素直にそう思うよ。そのほうがあたしだって救われるってものさ。
[NA] I already made my wish, so there's no helpin' it. That's why I think it'd be nice if there was a happy ending waitin' for the Magical Girls who made wishes for other people too... I'm in the same boat, after all.

Unused 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation


ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] おっせーぞ!まったく、待ちくたびれたぜ。じゃまあ、行くか。とっその前に、飯、食ってきたか?まだならこれ、食うかい?
[NA] Ugh, what took you so long? I almost died of boredom waitin'. Let's get goin' already! But first... Did ya eat anything today? If not, wanna have this?

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] あーねみー。あんたは朝から元気だなー。あ、そうだ。だったら朝飯作ってよ!よろしく!じゃああたしはできるまで寝てるから。
[NA] So tired... How're you so awake this early in the mornin'? Oh, make me some breakfast. Wake me up when it's ready.

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] よーっし!昼飯だ昼飯!何にしよっかな。和食、中華、カレーとかもいいよなー。思い切って焼肉?あーもう決めらんなーい!
[NA] All right, it's lunch time! What to eat... Japanese? Maybe Chinese? Curry? I could always go with some Korean barbecue... Ugh, I can't decide!

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] さてと、ちょっくら付き合ってよ、ゲーセン。バカにしちゃいけない。ゲームってのはさ、瞬発力を鍛えるのに結構有効なんだよ。
[NA] You're comin' to the arcade with me for a bit. No, don't laugh. Games are good for sharpenin' your reflexes.

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] 夜の街をぶらつくのは好きだよ。所詮人間は独りなんだって改めて分からせてくれるっていうか、なんて、今のは冗談だよ。
[NA] I like wanderin' around town at night. It really brings it home that we're all alone in this world, ya know? If it isn't obvious, I'm jokin'...

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] こっちは四六時中戦う準備はできてるからさ、まー何があったって大丈夫。どっからでもかかって来いって感じだよ。
[NA] I'm always ready to fight. So, no matter what happens, I'm sure I'll be all right... Any time, any place, bring it on!

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] さ、あんたがトロトロしてる間にあたしは出かけるとしようかな。獲物の数は限られてるんだ、早い者勝ちだからね。
[NA] All right, while you're snoozin' over there I'mma head out. There are only so many Witches out there. It's first come, first serve, after all!

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] へー、あたしと戦うってわけだ。面白いじゃねえの。やろうよやろうよ。遠慮しなくていいよ。全力でぶつかってきな。
[NA] Huh? You wanna fight me? Sounds like fun! Let's do it! You better not hold back. Come at me with all you've got!

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] 魔法少女と学校の両立はキツいよなあ。結果犠牲になるのは遊びの時間だろ。同じ年頃の奴らは遊び呆けてるってのにさー。
[NA] It's tough bein' a Magical Girl and keepin' up with school. You gotta give up on havin' fun. Everyone else my age is always doin' tons of excitin' stuff.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] 食い物っていうのはさあ、人間が生きる上での要みたいなもんだろ。でも大概の奴は、今ある幸せに溺れてそんなこと忘れちまってる。
[NA] Food is one of life's essentials. But most people just forget that, takin' everythin' they have for granted.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] 戦う上ではさ、頭脳戦って奴?戦術なんてもんも大事になってくるわけさ。だからあたしはいつも、甘い物で糖分を補給してるんだよ。
[NA] Fightin' is a battle of the brains. Ya gotta have a strategy... That's why I always eat lots of sweets, ya know, 'cause sugar revs my brain up.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] 見てるだけじゃなくてさ、今度あんたもやって見せてよ。ダンスゲーム。ふっ、そうだろ?あんたが慌てる様は面白そうだからね。
[NA] Instead of just watchin' me play, you should try one of these dance games. Heh, it'd be fun to see you strugglin' to keep up.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] ケーキ屋のケーキなんてしゃれたもん、親父たちが生きてた頃にも滅多に食べなかったけどさ…でもあたしにとっては思い出の味なんだ。
[NA] Those fancy cakes from bakeries... We didn't get to eat those too often, even when my dad was still alive. Even still, they bring back plenty of memories.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] なんだか小腹が空いてきたな。そういえば、駅前にうまいラーメン屋があるってさやかに聞いたな…よし、ちょっと行ってみるか!
[NA] I'm gettin' kinda hungry... Oh, that's right. Sayaka mentioned a good ramen place near the station. Let's go check it out!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] まどかってさ、普段はほーっとしてるんだけど、いざってときは根性すわってるんだよね。人は見かけによらないってやつだな。
[NA] Madoka can be a bit ditzy sometimes, but she's got the guts to do what's necessary. Guess you can't judge a book by its cover.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] まーさやかはあたしが見守っててやんないと危なっかしいっていうかなんていうか。ったく、しょーがねーなーって感じだよ。
[NA] If I don't watch out for Sayaka, she'll get into trouble for sure. Who knows what'll happen to her if I don't?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] 独りぼっちは、寂しいもんな…。いいよ、一緒にいてやるよ…。って甘やかさねぇからな!ほら、気合いだ気合い!ちゃんとしろよ。
[NA] It's pretty lonely...bein' by yourself. I ain't gonna spoil ya and say, "All right, I'll stay with you." Pick yourself up! Ya gotta be strong!


クエスト開始 - Battle Start
[JP] いっちょ派手にいこうじゃない。
[NA] Let's get this party started!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 1
[JP] 勝利、いただいたよ
[NA] I'll take the win, thanks!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 2
[JP] 首尾は上々っと!
[NA] Well that went well!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 3
[JP] さーて、何食べよっかなー
[NA] Now then. What to eat?

Unused 5
[JP] かましてやったよ!
[NA] They're gonna feel that one!


Disc Select 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Targeting Ally With Connect Disc Select
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Targeted By Connect Disc Select From Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 6
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 7
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 8
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 10
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Magia (1) (Note: The lines used in the game varies; they are normally a mix of Magia and Attack voice lines.)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (2)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (3)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (4)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Doppel (Note: While most characters have Doppel sounds, this does not imply a release of the character's Doppel any time in the foreseeable future)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] I'll do it... come the hell out!
Giving Connect Attack To Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Connect Attack Given From Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Self
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Allies
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Enemies
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Taking Damage
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Taking Damage While At Critical Health
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Halloween Quotes[]

ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] まさか…またアンタに会うとはねえ〜。ん?この格好で風邪なんてひくわけないだろ。アタシは鍛え方が違うからね
[NA] Never thought I'd be seein' you here. What, you think I'll catch a cold wearin' this? Not a chance. I'm made of sturdy stuff.

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] ふわぁ〜はぁ〜…まだ眠ぃなあ〜まさか魔女狩りじゃなくてハロウィンの準備で寝不足だなんて。自分でも信じられないよ
[NA] *Yaaawn* I'm still really friggin' tired... I'm stuck stayin' up late not from huntin' Witches, but from puttin' up Halloween decorations. Yeah, I can't believe it either.

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] あ〜…あ〜!…あーーー!!!発生方法練習しろつっても1人じゃわかんないよな〜。これで出来てんのかな〜…
[NA] Ahhh, ahhhhhh, AAAHHHHHH! I was told to work on my vocals. But how the heck am I supposed to do this alone? Am I even doin' this right?

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] しまったもうこんな時間かよ!劇の練習にいかねーとアイツがうるさいんだよな〜。あ〜あ台本持っていかないと!
[NA] Crap, is it that time already? Better get to rehearsal or I'll never hear the end of it... Ah, the script. Gonna need that.

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] とりっく、おあ、とりーとぉ…!ってやってみると結構恥ずかしいな…ほ、ほら言ったんだから、さっさとお菓子をよこしな〜
[NA] Trick or treat! Geeze, that's embarrassin' to say... C'mon, I said it, so fork over the goods.

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] 自分が劇に出ることになってさ、初めてハロウィンを意識したよ。案外街の中って、ハロウィン一色なんだな〜
[NA] Never really thought about Halloween 'til I got involved with this play. Lookin' around, seems like the whole city's into it.

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] さぁ〜て、そろそろ家をまわって、お菓子を貰いに行く時間だな〜。準備が出来たらさっさと行くよ!イタズラには興味がないんでね
[NA] All right, it's about time to head out and get candy. The second you're ready, we're headin' out. I don't give a rat's ass about tricks, just so you know.

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] この格好でミラーズに行けっていうのかい?鏡の結界が狼で溢れちまったら、ガブ!っとやられちまうかもしんねーぞー
[NA] You tellin' me to go into Mirrors in this getup? If that Labyrinth gets overrun with wolves, you might end up the main course.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] この衣装、突貫で作ったから雑な作りだって聞いたんだけど、全然そんな感じしないんだよな〜。むしろ、尻尾とかにこだわりを感じるくらいさ
[NA] I'm told they threw this costume together last second, but it doesn't look that bad, right? Actually, I'd say they were real particular with the tail and stuff.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] やっぱハロウィンって言えば、お菓子だけじゃなくてメシも気になるよなー!アタシは好き嫌いはしないからさ、ドンと来いって感じだよ
[NA] Looks like Halloween ain't just about the candy after all. The grub's callin' my name, too. I'll eat anythin', so lemme at it!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] こんな衣装着て劇をするなんて、いつぶりだろうね〜。ちっこい頃はやってたと思うけど、あんまり記憶にはないんだ〜。
[NA] When was the last time I put on a costume and got up on stage? I'm sure it happened at least once back when I was a pipsqueak, but I can't remember much at all.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] あ〜これ?トフィーアップルってりんご飴みたいなもんだよ。ひとつ、食うかい?まだ結構残ってるからね
[NA] Oh, this here? It's a caramel apple. You know, like a candy apple? Want one? Still got a ton left.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] 魔女だのウワサだの、変な街だと思ってたけど、どうもアタシは、この街のやつらに絡まれるウワサに巻き込まれちまったみたいだよ。
[NA] I thought this was a weird place, what with all the Witches and Uwasa. Now it looks like I got myself caught up in one of the local baddies' Rumors...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] アタシがアイツに何を言ったんだか覚えてないけどさ、あの…かりんとか言うやつ、劇を通して成長できたって喜んでてさ…満足そうでなによりだよ。
[NA] I don't remember exactly what I said to her, but that girl Karin was jumpin' for joy sayin' she grew so much durin' the rehearsals. Glad to see she's satisfied.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] 手足は寒いけど、体とか腰回りがフサフサだからさ、結構あったかいんだよな〜コレ。ま、コレはアタシのだから、触らせないけどな。
[NA] Sure, my arms and legs are a bit chilly, but all this fluff around my waist makes this getup pretty warm. Hands off, though. It's mine.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] こういうイベントごとでもさ、同じテーブルを囲んで、みんなと一緒にメシを食ってると…少しだけ昔を思い出しちまうんだよ…
[NA] Comin' to events like this and chowin' down with everybody around a table kinda reminds me of the old days.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] この、バームブラックってケーキ、指輪が出たら結婚運がいいらしんだけど…アタシは別にいらないっていうかさ、ケーキが食えりゃ、良かったんだよな…
[NA] You hear about this barmbrack cake thing? Find a ring inside and they say your chances of gettin' married skyrocket. But I don't care 'bout that. Eatin' the cake's good enough for me...

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Swimsuit Quotes[]

ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] よっ!よーやく来たか。アタシはひと泳ぎしてきたところだよ。って言っても、まだまだ泳ぎ足りないからね〜。競争でもするかい?
[NA] Yo! There ya are! I just got back from a swim. Though I'd like to swim some more... Wanna race?

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] 夏は日の出が早いから、こんな時間に目が覚めちまった。もう一眠りするのもいいけど、せっかくだから泳いでこようかな〜♪
[NA] The sun rises so early in the summer I ended up waking up now... Guess I could sleep a bit more, but seein' how we're both up, wanna go swim?

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] 海の家と言えば、焼きそばラーメンカレーライスたこ焼き!うだうだ悩んでても仕方ないから、片っ端から食うことにしたよ!
[NA] When ya think of a beach house, ya think of yakisoba, ramen, curry, takoyaki... The list goes on, but there's no point in worryin' about what to pick, so I'mma just go ahead and eat 'em all.

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] 宿屋の夕食はなんだろうな〜?海の家でも散々食ったけど、とれたての海の幸は別腹だろ!夕飯、海の幸だよな?
[NA] What's for dinner at the inn? I ate lots at the beach house, but I could make room for fresh seafood. ...Dinner's seafood, right?

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] 花火するって言うから、焼きトウモロコシを貰ってきたんだ。まだ食ってなかったし、なんか雰囲気あるだろ?
[NA] We're gonna be settin' off fireworks so I went ahead and brought some grilled corn. I haven't eaten any yet, but it'll add to the atmosphere, ya know?

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] ご覧の通り、色々食ってるし、水も飲んでる。休憩もちゃんととってるよ。アタシは大丈夫だって言ってるのに、アイツらがうるさいんだ。
[NA] I'm eatin' well and drinkin' well, as you can see. And I'm restin' lots, too. I TOLD everyone I'm fine. Why do they keep botherin' me?!

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] このクソ暑いなかご苦労なことで。魔女には暑さは関係ないのかね〜?ま、グリーフシードさえ落としてくれれば、何でもいいけどさ。
[NA] Ugh, it suck doin' hard work in this heat. Guess Witches don't really care about the heat though, huh? Oh well, so long as I get a Grief Seed I don't care.

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] こっちが水着だと、あっちも水着で来るのか。そんなところまで忠実に再現しなくていいと思うんだけど、妙に律儀だよな〜
[NA] I come in a swimsuit, so my copy does too? She doesn't have to copy me THAT faithfully. It's kinda weird, isn't it?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] ちょーっと味見しただけなのに、さやかのやつがうるさくてさ。仕方ないからあたしのかき氷も一口やったんだよ。リンゴ味、あんたもいる?
[NA] All I did was try a taste of her shaved ice, but Sayaka went nuts on me, so I gave her a bite of mine. That makes us even. You want some? It's apple.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] 流しそうめんなら、アタシは食う専門だね。どーせマミとか世話好きなやつらが、流す方はやってくれるだろうしさ。
[NA] If we're gonna eat those noodles you send down pipes, I'm only eatin'. I mean, Mami or someone who likes helpin' out'll probably do the work and send 'em down to me.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] 潮干狩り、って今は時期じゃないのか。自分でとった貝ってのも食べてみたかったんだけど、時期じゃないなら仕方ないよな〜
[NA] I guess it's not really the season for diggin' up clams. I did wanna try pickin' and eatin' my own... Welp, can't do it now...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] 遠泳で勝負か!いいね〜。言っとくけど、アタシは勝負と名のつくもので負ける気はねーからな。ぶっちぎりでゴールしてやる!
[NA] A swimmin' contest?! Nice idea! Though I gotta say, it's no contest with me around. I ain't losin'! I'm gonna reach the goal and leave you on the shore!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] 水着とか何でも良かったんだけど、せっかくだから新しいのを見に行こうって、マミがうるさくてさ。それなりに、気に入ってるけどな。
[NA] I don't really care what swimsuit I wear, but Mami wouldn't stop askin' me to go look at new ones with her... Ah well, I kinda like it.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] ほむらみたいな水着、アタシには似合わないし、着たいってわけじゃないんだけど、なんか見ちゃうんだよな〜。ヒラヒラしてるからか?
[NA] A swimsuit like Homura's wouldn't suit me, so I have no reason to wanna wear it...but I can't stop lookin' at it... Maybe 'cause it's so fluttery?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] うーん……あ!分かった!さやかの水着、なんかスポーツやってそうだなって引っかかってたんだけど、サーフィンだ。似合いそうだろ〜?
[NA] Hmm... Oh! Got it! I was tryin' to think what sport Sayaka's swimsuit fir, and it's surfing! Don't ya think it looks perfect for surfing?!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] 夏の海で、水着着て、泳いで、アレコレ食ったり、花火したり、我ながら浮かれてるな〜とは思うけど、楽しかったよ。それなりに。
[NA] Swimmin' in the summer sea in out swimsuits, eatin' all kindsa food, lightin' fireworks... Pretty carefree, even for me. It was fun, though.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] うぁ〜〜つめたっ!!誰だっ!今後ろから水かけたヤツ!やったからには、やりかえされる覚悟はあるんだろうな!
[NA] Eeeeeeugh! C-c-cold!!! Who did it?! Who splashed me from behind?! I hope you've prepared for payback, whoever ya are!

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Haregi Quotes[]

ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] 別にウキウキなんてしてない。新年ぐらい、あたしだってこういう格好してもいいだろ。ほら、とりあえず、あけましておめでとう。
[TL] No translation

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] 初日の出を拝んできたんだけどさ、なんか待った分だけ腹が減って、アッツアツの饅頭にしか見えなかったんだよな。
[TL] No translation

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] ちょっと今から、マミの家に行ってくる。なんか、さやかたちを呼んでお雑煮食うらしいんだよ。いやあ、餅はたっぷり焼いてもらわないとな。
[TL] No translation

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] っはは、これぐらいの寒さで震えるなんて、弱っちいなぁ。そうだ、それなら一緒に羽根つきでもやるかい?一気に暖まるぞ。
[TL] No translation

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] お、まじか!夜更かし初売り、お菓子の大放出だってよ!これはテンション上がるな~!って、深夜だから年齢制限…?!ウソだろ
[TL] No translation

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] 飛び入り参加OK、賞金あり、しかも副賞に…高級おかきセット!悪くないねえ、ここはひとつ、お年玉代わりにコマ回しで優勝するか!
[TL] No translation

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] どうもこの辺りは、正月から魔女がのさばってるみたいだねえ。ちょいと一暴れして、グリーフシードを頂戴するよ。
[TL] No translation

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] 果てなしのミラーズもムカつくよなあ。それっぽく振舞う偽物を作りやがって。あの晴着のさやか、間違いなくコピーだ。ぶっ潰してやる。
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] んー…書き初めかあ。やっぱ書くなら、「毎日満腹」、これだろ!や、でも今回はパスだな。晴着を汚したら、さすがに悪いだろ。
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] うわっ、なんだよもう。やっぱ着物で歩くのって窮屈なんだよなあ。いつも動きが大きいのか、はだけるし…めんどくさいんだよ…。
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] やっぱ、初詣って言ったら屋台だよなあ。さーて、食べるとしたらどれから手を付けるか…。おっ、イカ焼き!ベビーカステラも捨てがたいなあ…!
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] 5円で良いご縁、11円で良い年。お賽銭1つとっても、縁起って担ぐもんなんだなあ。あたしは別にこだわりなんてないし、5円でいいよ。
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] まさか、自分が晴着を着るなんて想像もしなかったよ。動きづらいし、苦しいけど、せっかくマミも用意してくれたし、仕方ないよなあ。
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] ん?おみくじの結果なら、凶だったけど、別に気にしてないよ。今更紙切れ1つでどうにかなる世界で生きてないじゃん、あたしたち。
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] 宛先と差出人が書いてない年賀状があったって?あ、それあたしのだ!急いで書いたから、直接届けたんだよ。でも、元旦にはしっかり届いただろ?
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] ま、来年もこうしてさ、みんなで新年を迎えられたら良いよな。あたしら、魔法少女だし。って、悪い、なんか湿っぽくなっちまったな!
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Pajama Quotes[]

ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation