Magia Record English Wiki

Regular Quotes[]

Magical Girl

自己紹介⓵ - Self Introduction 1
[JP] 「つつじの家」っていう孤児院で育ったんだけど、預けられる前のことは覚えてないんだ。1歳の頃の話だし、しかもあちし、捨て子だったから。ラーメン屋の裏で見つかったらしいよ、鶏がらの横にちょこーんって。アッタマ来るよね! でも、ラーメンは好きなんだ!
[NA] I grew up in an orphanage called the Azalea House, but I don’t remember anythin’ before that. I was abandoned when I was a year old or so... They say they found me out behind a ramen shop. Just tucked in next to all the chicken bones! Makes me so mad... Still, I love ramen!

自己紹介⓶ - Self Introduction 2
[JP] よーっす!あちし、三栗あやめね!よろしくよろしくー!で、あと何言えばいいんだ…?えー……まーとにかくガンガンいこうかー!
[NA] Yooo! I’m Ayame Mikuri, happy to meetcha! Uh, what else should I say... Ummm... whatever! Let’s get goin’!

Personal Story

Story Chapter End 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] This sounds great! I’m already gettin’ all fired up!

Story Chapter End 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Grrrr! That’s it, no more ties! I’m gonna win the next one for real!

Story Chapter End 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Guess I gotta admit it! Kamihama’s got more than one strong girl!

Story Select 1
[JP] その木の実食べられるよ!あちし平気だったし [Translation]
[NA] You can eat that wild fruit! I was fine!

Story Select 2
[JP] 魚だったら手で捕まえれるし!一匹ずつね! [Translation]
[NA] I can catch fish with my hands! One each!

Story Select 3
[JP] あ、あちしだって考えてるんだから! [Translation]
[NA] I'm thinking about stuff too, y'know!

Story Select 4
[JP] あー、これメンチじゃなくてコロッケだー! [Translation]
[NA] Aww, it's potato inside, not meat!

Story Select 5
[JP] あの坂から転がったら面白そうじゃない!? [Translation]
[NA] Ain't it fun to roll, roll, roll, down the hill?!

Story Select 6
[JP] 絶対絶対ぜーったい、あちしは負けないし! [Translation]
[NA] I'm not gonna lose! No way, no way, NO WAY!

Unused 1
[JP] しょーがないじゃん!嫌なものは嫌なの!
[TL] No translation


強化完了 - Strengthening Complete
[JP] おっほー! 力がギューンと集まってきている感じ!
[NA] Woohoo! The power just comes in like ZOOOM!

強化(Lv最大時) - Strengthening Max
[JP] ヤバヤバー! いいよー! これって相当なんじゃないの!?
[NA] Whoa, whoa, whoooa! Nice! This rocks!

エピソードLvアップ - Episode Lvl Up
[JP] おーおー! みーつけた! 次ってこんな感じなんだ!
[NA] Aaah, look what I found! It’ll keep feelin’ like this the more I go, right!?

魔力解放 - Magical Release 1
[JP] 学校の授業で体育と同じくらい好きなのが図工!特に木を彫るのが大好き!最初はウサギを彫ったけど、へたっぴだったな~
[NA] The only class I like as much a P.E. is shop class! I love carving wood! First thing I ever made was a bunny, but it looked kinda lousy...

魔力解放 - Magical Release 2
[JP] 木彫りでの自信作は、魚をくわえてるクマ!見て、この魚。サケだと思うでしょ?実はサバなんだ~!川とか海とか関係ないから!
[NA] The best thing I ever carved was a bear with a fish in its mouth! See the fishie here? You think it’s a salmon, right? Wrong! It’s a mackerel! Cause it can be either a river or ocean fish!

魔力解放 - Magical Release 3
[JP] 最近は結構大きいヤツを彫ってんの!あー、もう彫ってないねえ、削ってる感じ。なーんてったってチェーンソー使ってるからね!
[NA] I’ve been carvin’ something pretty big lately. I guess it’s not carving so much as sculptin’? I mean, I use a chainsaw to do it!

マギアLvアップ - Magia Lvl Up
[JP] これってきっとそうだよね!あちし、強くなってるよね!
[NA] Is this what I think it is!? I’m super strong now!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 1
[JP] わかるわかる!なんか…!うん…なんか違う感じする!
[NA] I get it, I get it! I... uh, I feel different now!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 2
[JP] あちし、昔から思ったことをすぐ言っちゃうし、顔に出ちゃうし、それがまた直んないんだけど、でも、それがあちしってことだよね!
[NA] When I was real little I used to just say whatever was on my mind, you could read it on my face. I’m still like that, actually... Guess that’s just who I am!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] The director who brought me up was my real mom to me. She was kind and always smilin'. But she died... So us three have to live to our fullest, for her!

Unused 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation


ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] おーっす、元気か?あちしはバリバリ元気だしー、来るの待ってたんだよ。じゃぁ、行くぞっ・・・どこへ?あー?まぁとりあえず、走んぞー。
[NA] Hey, hey, heyyy! How’s it going’!? I’m doin’ super-duper awesome today! I’ve been waitin’ for ya! Now let’s go! Where? Umm... I dunno, let’s just start runnin’!

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] おはおはおはようようようっ!3回まとめて挨拶してみたよー。からの、朝一でパーンチ。どう?目ー覚めた?もう一発いっとく?
[NA] Good morning, good morning, good morning! I tried packin’ in three in a row! Aaand... here’s a punch to top it off! How’s that? You awake yet? Want me to punch you again?

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] ごはんーお腹空いたよー。ぐるぐるきゅうきゅう聞こえるよー。もうガッツリ食べたるわ。なんでもいいから食べさせてー。
[NA] My stomach won’t shut up! I’m gonna eat SO much! I don’t care what it is, let’s just eat already!

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] 晩ごはーんの前に魔女探し。まぁしょうがない。こういう時、これも仕事だからっていうんでしょ?この前ドラマで観たよ。
[NA] Time for dinner! But before anything else, ugh... Gotta go Witch huntin’... This is where I say, “It’s work can’t complain.” I heard that line on a TV show!

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] んー眠いっ!夜は眠いっ!あちし朝は強いけど夜はだめだね。ほらーそろそろ寝ちゃうよ、あちし。いくよ?321・・・
[NA] *Yawn* Sleepy! I’m so sleepy at night! I’m good at gettin’ up early, but bad at stayin’ up late. I’m gonna fall asleep any minute. Seriously, just watch. 3, 2, 1... zZz...

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] あちしも葉月もこのはも、毎日目一杯生きるんだ。そう決めたの、3人で。だから、起きてる限りは常に全力全開で行くかんね。
[NA] Me, Hazuki, and Konoha... We all live every day to the fullest. That’s what we decided, all together. So I always go 100%, the whole time I’m awake!

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] なになにー?何かやるんでしょー。いいじゃんいいじゃん楽しそうじゃん。よくわかんないけど、とにかくやったろうよー。
[NA] What, what? We’re gonna try somethin’ new? Yayyy, let’s do it! I be it’ll be fun! I mean, I dunno what it is, but let’s give it a shot!

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] あちしと戦うんでしょ?いいよ、やろうよー。でも一応言っとくかんね。あちしちょっとも手を抜かないから。ガッツガツ行くよー。
[NA] You’re gonna fight me, right? Okay, I’m in! But lemme tell you this. I won’t hold back one bit, all right!? I’m gonna go at you with everythin’ I got!

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] ねぇねぇ見てよー。ほらっトノサマバッター。飛ぶ直前にハーッて捕まえたの、手で。あちしに網なんて必要ないからね。
[NA] Heyyy, look! Look! A locust! You gotta get ‘em just before they jump, like... THIS! See? With my bare hands. I don’t need a net!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] 花の蜜って吸ったことある?すっごく甘くて美味しいんだよー。あちしが一番好きな味はやっぱりツツジ。先生がいつもくれたんだ。
[NA] Have you ever tasted the nectar in a flower? It’s sooo sweet and delicious! My favorite has gotta be azalea nectar. Our teacher always used to give me some.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] 料理とか作れないけど食べるのは大好きだよ―。この前なんて、わんこそば300杯食べたしーまぁ流石に倒れちゃったけど。
[NA] I can’t cook anything, but I looove eating! Just the other day I ate 300 bowls of wanko soba! I did kinda pass out after, though...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] 戦ったら強い動物っているでしょ?それ研究してるんだー。戦い方の参考になると思って。熊とか狼とかーあ、意外とコアラとかも。
[NA] Some animals are really, really tough in a fight. I’m studyin’ their moves to see if I can copy ‘em. I’m startin’ with bears and wolves... Oh, koalas could be good, too!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] 神浜市って魔女がいっぱいだし魔法少女もいっぱいだよねー。でも、あちし達が最高で最強のチームだし。間違いないね。
[NA] There are tons of Witches in Kamihama, so there’s also tons of Magical Girls. But the three of us are definitely the strongest team, no doubt about it!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] 何なんだろう?あの、フェリシアって子。顔見てるだけで負けたくないって気持ちがグイグイ出てきちゃうんだよね。なんだかなー。
[NA] There’s somethin’ about that Felicia girl. I dunno, but I really don’t want to lose when I’m with her. I dunno why!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] やっぱり勝負事ってなんでも燃えるよね~! どっちが早く100まで数えられるかとか、けっこうしょうもないものでもなんでも盛り上がるんだよな~
[NA] You could say I’m really competitive! Even if it’s somethin’ with no point, like, “who can count to 100 the fastest”, I still end up gettin’ really into it!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] 昔はなんかあればすぐ突っかかってさ、今は大人になったな~ え、変わってない? そんなことないし! そんなことないしー!!
[NA] When I was younger, I would explode at people over any old thing. But now I’ve grown up! Huh? I’m still the same!? No way, no waaay!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] たまにだよ! たま~にだけど……ドレスとか着てみたいなって思うときがあるの……。えへ。あちしだって、一応レディだかんね!
[NA] Sometimes... just SOMETIMES, I think about tryin’ on a dress! Hehe. I am a lady after all!


クエスト開始 - Battle Start
[JP] へっへー、キッチリと倒しちゃうからね。
[NA] Hee hee! I’m gonna beat ‘em up real good!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 1
[JP] やったやった!どんなもんよ~!
[NA] Yeah! We can do anythin’!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 2
[JP] ふ~、キレイサッパリ、だね!
[NA] Whew, perfectly done, don’tcha think?

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 3
[JP] あちし最高!…とか言っとく!
[TL] No translation

Unused 5
[JP] 気持ちいいくらい決まったね!
[TL] No translation


Disc Select 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Targeting Ally With Connect Disc Select
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Targeted By Connect Disc Select From Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 6
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 7
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 8
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 10
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Magia (1) (Note: The lines used in the game varies; they are normally a mix of Magia and Attack voice lines.)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (2)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (3)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (4)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Doppel (Note: While most characters have Doppel sounds, this does not imply a release of the character's Doppel any time in the foreseeable future)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Giving Connect Attack To Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Connect Attack Given From Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Self
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Allies
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Enemies
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Taking Damage
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Taking Damage While At Critical Health
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Swimsuit Quotes[]

ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation