Magia Record English Wiki

Regular Quotes[]

Magical Girl

自己紹介⓵ - Self Introduction 1
[JP] 美術品っていいですよね。私、水名の美術館でアルバイトしているんです。美術品の修復士になるのが夢で、美術品の近くにいたいと思って始めました。失敗しちゃうこともあるけど、みなさん優しくフォローしてくれるから頑張れてます。今度、遊びに来てくださいね。
[NA] Art is wonderful, isn’t it? My dream is to learn how to restore artwork, so I work part-time at the art museum in Mizuna so I can always be around it. Sometimes I make mistakes, but everyone is so kind and helps me through them. Why don’t you come for a visit?

自己紹介⓶ - Self Introduction 2
[JP] 梢麻友です。…その、人見知りなんですが、一人が好きなわけじゃなくて…。好きです。一緒にいてくれる人…。
[NA] I’m Mayu Kozue. Um... I’m a bit shy, but it’s not that I like being alone. I treasure people who spend time with me.

Personal Story

Story Chapter End 1
[JP] お父さんが生きていたらこんな感じかなぁ?
[NA] If my father were still alive now...maybe it’d feel kind of like this?

Story Chapter End 2
[JP] 私…そういうつもりじゃなかったんです…
[NA] I never meant for anything like this to happen.

Story Chapter End 3
[JP] 頼りがいのある人って好きです
[NA] I really love people I can rely on.

Story Select 1
[JP] 莉愛ちゃんのことまた怒らせちゃったみたい
[NA] I think Ria's mad at me again.

Story Select 2
[JP] もうちょっと…一緒にいたいなぁ…
[NA] I want to stay together a little while longer...

Story Select 3
[JP] 刀の展示室に沙優希ちゃんが来てますね
[NA] Sayuki is here to see the sword exhibit.

Story Select 4
[JP] あ、忘れ物しちゃいました…
[NA] Oh no, I forgot something back there.

Story Select 5
[JP] うーん、何がいけなかったのかなぁ
[NA] Hmm, what did I do wrong?

Story Select 6
[JP] また明日香ちゃんにお稽古お願いしようかな
[NA] I should ask Asuka for more training.

Unused 1
[JP] そういうところ…好きです
[TL] No translation


強化完了 - Strengthening Complete
[JP] えっと…私、強くなれましたか?
[NA] Um, do you think... I just got stronger?

強化(Lv最大時) - Strengthening Max
[JP] 強くなれたって自分でもわかります。これでもっと頑張れそう。
[NA] Even I can feel how strong I’ve become. Now I can do more than ever.

エピソードLvアップ - Episode Lvl Up
[JP] はい。次の展示物の案内をしますね。
[NA] Allow me to guide you around the next exhibit.

魔力解放 - Magical Release 1
[JP] お父さんは、私がまだ小さいころに事故で亡くなってしまったので、今はお母さんと二人暮らしなんです。
[NA] My father passed away in an accident when I was very young, so now my mother and I live by ourselves.

魔力解放 - Magical Release 2
[JP] 時々、お父さんが生きていたらなあって思うことがあるんです。美術の話とか、いろいろしてみたかったなあって。
[NA] Sometimes I wonder how things would be different if my father were alive. How I'd love to talk about art and all sorts of things with him.

魔力解放 - Magical Release 3
[JP] お父さんは生前、美術関係の仕事をしていたそうなんです。だから、私も美術品に関係あるお仕事に就きたいなあって思ってます。
[NA] I'm told my father was involved with art when he was alive, so I want to have a job that's art-related too.

マギアLvアップ - Magia Lvl Up
[JP] 強くなりました! 強くなりましたよね…?
[NA] I’m more powerful now! Aren’t I?

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 1
[JP] 力が湧いてきた気がします。私、もっと頑張りますね。
[NA] Power is welling up within me... I can get even stronger than this!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 2
[JP] 私、魔法少女になる前までは、武器を持ったことも、ケンカしたこともありませんでした。だから、戦うの、少し、怖いです。
[NA] I never held a weapon or even got in a fight before becoming a Magical Girl, so battles are a little scary for me.

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 3
[JP] 何度魔女や使い魔達と戦っても慣れません。どうしても萎縮しちゃって、怖いなって思うんです。でも、私は、この街が、神浜が、水名が大好きです。だから、守らなきゃって思うんです。
[NA] I can’t seem to get used to fighting Witches and Familiars. My body always tenses up... and I get scared. But I love Kamihama... and Mizuna. So, I have to protect them.

Unused 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation


ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] 寂しかったです。会えてよかった。えへへ。待ってたか、ですか? はい、実は待ってました。早く会いたいなって。
[NA] I was lonely... So I’m glad we could get together, hee hee. Was I waiting for you? Yes, actually, I was! I wanted to see you as soon as I could.

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] おはようございます。えへへ。朝から会えるなんて、うれしいな。早起きすると三文の徳って、本当ですね。
[NA] Good morning *Giggle* I’m happy to see you so early in the morning. The early bird really does catch the worm.

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] 今度、お弁当を作っていく約束をしたんですけど、何がいいかなあ? え? いえ、学校の方ではなく、アルバイト先の方です。
[NA] Oh, I promised to make lunch next time, but what should I make? Hm? Oh, no, not for school. This is for someone at work.

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] あ、アルバイトの時間。私、美術館で働いてるんです。よかったら見に来ませんか? 歴史を感じられる美術品が、たっくさんありますよ。
[NA] Time to go to work... I work part-time at the art museum. Why don’t you stop by sometime? There’s lots of old art there. You can feel the history.

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] ほわぁ…うう…夜になると気温が落ちて、ちょっと肌寒いなあ。こんなとき、誰かそばにいてくれたらいいのに。
[NA] *Yawn* Mmm... As night falls, do does the temperature. I’m a little cold... I wish I had someone beside me right now.

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] 展示の案内の空いた時間で、美術品の修復の見学をさせていただいてるんですが、見学中はつい時間を忘れちゃいます。
[NA] If I have time between showing groups around the exhibits, sometimes they let me watch while they restore a piece. I always lose track of time there.

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] そろそろ魔女退治に行きませんか? 私、戦うことには慣れてませんが、一生懸命頑張って、お役に立ってみせますから。
[NA] Shall we go hunt some Witches? I’m still not used to battle, but I’ll try my hardest to support you!

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] 敵だとわかってても、同じ魔法少女の姿をしていると、戦いづらいですね…でも、戦わないといけなくて、うーんと、頑張ります!
[NA] I know they’re enemies, but fighting things that look like Magical Girls is tough... But it still needs to be done, so I’ll do my best!

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] 結構人見知りで…初めての人だと、何を話したらいいかわからなくなっちゃうんです。でも、あなたは話しやすいな。
[NA] I’m quiet around new people... I worry what to talk about with them. But you’re very easy to talk to.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] ひゃっ! いたた…また転んじゃいました…! 大変! 資料がバラバラに! うう…どの順番だったかな…あれ、どうでしたっけ…
[NA] Eek! O-oh no, I knocked it over again. Dear me! Now all the files are mixed up... What was the order again? Like this?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] あの、時間があればでいいんですが、もう少し、一緒にいてほしいです…もちろん、用事があるなら、無理にとは言いませんけど…
[NA] Umm... if you have the time, I’d love to spend more time with you. Of course, you don’t have to if you have plans already...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] どんなふうに展示品の案内をしているか見てみたい、ですか? おほん。こちらは日本でも希少な絵画…か、噛んじゃった。
[NA] You’d like to see how I introduce the exhibits? *Ahem* This piece is quite rare in Japagh... Ack! I bit my tongue.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] 美術館のお仕事は楽しいです。もともと、古美術品や歴史的価値のある建造物が好きってこともあるんですが…夢に、近付いてる気がして。
[NA] Working at the art museum is really fun. I took the job because I like historic art and buildings, but it’s also to follow my dreams.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] 本当は、どんな姿だったんだろう、どう愛されてきたのかな。そんな想像をするのが好きで、美術品の修復士になろうって思ったんです。
[NA] What did this originally look like? Why did people love it so much? I love thinking about those kinds of things. That’s why I want to work in art restoration.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] 沙優希ちゃんに、刀の事もっと聞きたいんですけど、お仕事忙しいみたいで。同じ学校だし、今度お昼誘ってみようかな。
[NA] I want to learn more about swords from Sayuki, but she seems pretty busy with work... We go to the same school, so maybe I can invite her to eat lunch together sometime.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] 莉愛ちゃんにはしゃんとしなさいって言われるんですけど、しゃんとってどうすればいいんでしょう。…しゃんっ! うーん、違う…?
[NA] Ria is always telling me to “”stand tall””... How exactly do you do that? Maybe if I go like this! No?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] 私が寂しいなあって思ってる時、いつも一緒にいてくれますよね。嬉しいな。
[NA] You’re always here when I get lonely... I love it.


クエスト開始 - Battle Start
[JP] 怖いけど…頑張ります!
[NA] I’m afraid... but I will do what I can!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 1
[JP] ん?あれ?勝ちました…?
[NA] Hm? What? Did we win?

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 2
[JP] はぁ~、勝てました
[NA] Pheeew... We won.

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 3
[JP] 頑張りました!
[NA] I tried my best!

Unused 5
[JP] えへへ、嬉しいなぁ
[TL] No translation


Disc Select 1
[JP] い…行きます!
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 2
[JP] お、はい!
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 3
[JP] 勝ちたいです!
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 4
[JP] どうしましょう?
[TL] No translation

Targeting Ally With Connect Disc Select
[JP] 助けになりたいです!
[TL] No translation

Targeted By Connect Disc Select From Ally
[JP] 任されました!
[TL] No translation

Attack 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 6
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 7
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 8
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 10
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Magia (1) (Note: The lines used in the game varies; they are normally a mix of Magia and Attack voice lines.)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (2)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (3)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (4)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Doppel (Note: While most characters have Doppel sounds, this does not imply a release of the character's Doppel any time in the foreseeable future)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Giving Connect Attack To Ally
[JP] お任せします!
[TL] No translation
Connect Attack Given From Ally
[JP] 頑張ります!
[TL] No translation

Actives on Self
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Allies
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Enemies
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Taking Damage
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Taking Damage While At Critical Health
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

[JP] お父さん…
[TL] No translation

Swimsuit Quotes[]

ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] I'm sorry. Did I make you wait? I really ended up taking my time changing into a swimsuit... Um, how should I make it up to you?

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Good morning. There are plenty things I'd like to do in the summer, so I dedicate my mornings to tackling summer homework little by little.

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] I actually prepared lunch today... Shall we have it together? I tried to make it with the aim to supply us with plenty of energy for afternoon activities.

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Listening to the waves as they roar calms me down. Even more so if somebody special is by my side... Can we stay together for a bit longer...?

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Won't you come to observe fireflies with me? There's supposed to be a beautiful water source nearby, and it's the perfect time to see them. I'm sure that will be a wonderful memory for us.

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Um... My swimsuit doesn't look weird, does it...? I'm not used to it yet, so I have my doubts... Oh... it suits me? Heheheh, I'm really happy to have you compliment me.

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Oh, this reaction must be from a Witch, right? Won't you help me take it down? The sooner we defeat it, the sooner we can go back to playing at the beach.

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] It seems like some people get close to the Mirror Witch's mansion during courage tests in summer. That's very dangerous, so we must patrol the area with much more caution for this period.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Whoa?! I-It's so cold...! Hm... This does feel nice, but I'm never ready for the onslaught of cold when I first step into the water.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Beach and pool are positively great, but have you considered visiting an art museum for a change? I've helped organize a summer exhibition as part of my part job duties, so I very much would love for you to see it. ...Or, would you rather not...?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Swimming isn't my strong point. If you're planning to swim far out into the sea, I'll watch you from the coast. Oh, but I will make sure to wave back at you if you're going to wave your hand at me from the sea.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Sunflowers make you think of Van Gogh, don't they? I went to an exhibition of his works a long time ago, and still have the postcard from it. I'd love to go again...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Every summer, Mizuna Girls School offers a seaside school program that's open to anyone, but some minor trouble occurs there every year for some reason. I hope nothing of the sort happens this year...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Oh, this...! I've heard from my mother that this is the ice cream that my father would often buy me a long time ago. It's been a while since I last spotted it in a store. I think I'll buy some for mom, too.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] We took a ride down the water slide together with Sayuki-chan back when were at the pool. It was so fast that we nearly fainted. Heheheh.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] When I tried to help people that appeared to be in trouble, Ria-chan told me that they were actually trying to hit on me... I'm trying to be careful to avoid these sort of situations, but it isn't easy...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Now to dig a tunnel from both sides in our sand castle, and... Ah. Our hands touched, didn't they? Right in the middle of the castle. Heheheh. This is kind of nice, don't you agree?

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Huh? Did all these Magical Girls come here because they wanted to see Sayuki-chan's mini concert? Oh. The stage for Sayuki-chan's performance is on another beach close by, not here.
