Magia Record English Wiki

Regular Quotes[]

Magical Girl

自己紹介⓵ - Self Introduction 1
[JP] 町のお弁当屋さん、千秋屋の看板娘、千秋理子っていいます。好きなのは算数と給食当番です!お父さんとお母さんと先生には、よく聞き分けがいい子って褒められます。お店のおすすめは、唐揚げとヘルシーサラダ弁当ですよ。ぜひ食べてみてくださいねっ!
[NA] I’m Riko Chiaki, I work at Chiaki’s, the neighborhood bento shop! I like math and being on lunch duty! My dad, mom, and teachers say I’m very well-behaved! Our shop’s best bento has fried chicken and a healthy salad! I really recommend trying it!

自己紹介⓶ - Self Introduction 2
[JP] はじめまして!千秋理子っていいます。元気いっぱいで聞き分けがいいのが自慢です。精一杯がんばりますので、よろしくお願いしますっ!
[NA] Nice to meet you, I’m Riko Chiaki! I’m proud of having lots of energy and being well-behaved! I always try my hardest, so I won’t let you down!

Personal Story

Story Chapter End 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] I'm the one who wished for this. I refuse to cry over it!

Story Chapter End 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] I'm not supposed to cry. I'm not... so why... Ugh!

Story Chapter End 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Now it's my turn to become the best big sister ever!

Story Select 1
[JP] いらっしゃいませ!唐揚げができましたよ!
[NA] Welcome! Come have some fresh-made fried chicken!

Story Select 2
[JP] 千秋屋のおかず、試食で一口どうですか?
[NA] Here, have a sample of some of our food!

Story Select 3
[JP] うちの看板犬、豆柴のマメジですわんっ!
[NA] This cute little Shiba Inu is our doggy mascot, Mameji!

Story Select 4
[JP] 真っ白でピカピカの三角巾が目印ですから!
[NA] You'll know it's me if you see this bright bandana!

Story Select 5
[JP] 泣いたら負け!寂しくなんてないですから!
[NA] I lose if I cry! I'm not lonely! I'm not!

Story Select 6
[JP] 願わなきゃ良かった、近くに居て欲しかった
[NA] I wish I didn't make that wish. I wanted her to stay close by.

Unused 1
[JP] お姉さん…おねえさぁん…ふぅぅ…
[TL] Miss K... Miss K... *Sob*


強化完了 - Strengthening Complete
[JP] 袋詰めだけじゃありません。わたしいろいろと成長してますから!
[NA] I don’t just bag things, I do lots of stuff, I’m really growing!

強化(Lv最大時) - Strengthening Max
[JP] これだけばっちりなら、お母さんも仕込みを教えてくれるかも!
[NA] Since I’m doing this well, maybe my mom will teach me some cooking!

エピソードLvアップ - Episode Lvl Up
[JP] お弁当を持って、公園でお話ししましょ。マメジもいっしょですわん!
[NA] Let’s take a bento to the park and chat. Mameji’s coming too.

魔力解放 - Magical Release 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] The bento shop opens really early in the morning! Only Mom's at home when I wake up. Dad's already preparing things by 5 AM!

魔力解放 - Magical Release 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] It's always super busy at the bento shop. That's why when I'm helping out there, it's like family time. It's all about working together as a family!

魔力解放 - Magical Release 3
[JP] お弁当屋さんの夜は片付けがあるので、家にいるのはお父さん。恥ずかしいけど、今でもたまにいっしょにお風呂に入ります。…秘密ですからね?
[NA] The shop needs to be cleaned in the evening, so Dad's at home then! This is kind of embarrassing, but...sometimes we still take a bath together. But that’s a secret!

マギアLvアップ - Magia Lvl Up
[JP] わたしのカラーピックでもっとキレイに仕上げますからっ!
[NA] I’ll use my color pick to make things even prettier!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 1
[JP] くるっと回って~…ぱっ!ほら!わたしちょっと変わりましたよね!
[NA] Spin ‘round, and ta-da! See, I look different now, right!?

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 2
[JP] わたしもきっとお母さんと同じように、千秋屋の跡を継ぐと思います。だから、強い女の人にならないといけないんです。
[NA] I think I’ll run the shop like my mom one day, so I have to become a strong woman!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 3
[JP] いつもわたしの面倒を見てくれたお隣のお姉さん。わたしの夢は、そんなお姉さんみたいに、笑顔が素敵で、優しい人になって…今度はわたしがお姉さんの赤ちゃんの面倒を見ることなんです。今ならできそうですよねっ!
[NA] Miss K from next door always looked after me. My dream is to be kind and have a wonderful smile like her, and help look after her baby like she did for me. I’m pretty much ready now, don’t you think?

Unused 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation


ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] ?あ、また会えましたね!…違いますよ、わたし泣いてませんから。だって、別に寂しくないですし、強い女の子ですからっ!
[NA] Huh? Ah, we meet again! Uhh, no, I’m not crying. I mean, it’s not like I feel lonely or anything. I’m strong!

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] 朝はやっぱりこれですよ!おでかけ前のお弁当ですっ!千秋屋が丹精込めて作ってるんですから、お残ししたらダメですからね?
[NA] This is what morning are all about! Making a bento before going out! The Chiaki bento shop puts a lot of hard work into making these, so leaving leftovers is not allowed.

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] 給食係といえば、わたしの出番ですからっ!ただ、いつもみんなの盛り付けが多くて、先生にときどき怒られちゃいます…
[NA] I really shine when I’ve got lunch duty at school! But I always give extra big servings, so the teacher gets a little mad sometimes...

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] 今大忙しなんです!夕方から夜は仕事帰りのお父さんや、買い物をしてるお母さんで大賑わいで…マメジも元気にワンワンなんで!
[NA] It’s sooo busy right now! Night time gets pretty crazy with Dad coming home from work, Mom doing the shopping, and Mameji yapping his heart out!

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] 夜は少し寂しいけど、お父さんもお母さんもがんばって働いてるから仕方ないです。それに、マメジもくんくんなぐさめてくれるから、平気です。
[NA] It’s a little lonely at night, but I get that Mom and Dad are working really hard. Plus, I feel better when Mameji snuggles up and sniffs me, so it’s okay.

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] 今お友達と遊んできたところです!忙しくても、わたし友達はいっぱいいますから。今日は漫画の貸しっこをしてきたところです。
[NA] I was just out playing with my friends. I have lots of friends even though I’m so busy. We were reading each other’s manga.

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] わ!今のって、魔女の反応ですよね!魔女がいるとみんなが危ないって知ってますから、お店のお手伝いの前に片付けに行かないと!
[NA] Wow, is that what it feels like when a Witch is close by?! I already know, where there’s a Witch, people are in danger! I better get rid of it before I go help at the shop!

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] あの…魔法少女同士で戦うのっていいんですか…?あ、偽物さんたちなんですね、それならわたし、全然平気ですからっ!
[NA] Umm, is it really okay for Magical Girls to fight each other? Wha? Oh, they’re copies! Then this is no problem for me!

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] う~~ん…むぐむぐ…ほら!し、しいたけだって、鼻をつまんだら平気です。食べ物屋さんの看板娘ですから?好き嫌いはないんですよ?
[NA] Nnngh. *Munch* *Munch* See? Sh-shiitake mushrooms are fine if I pinch my nose... I work at a food shop, so I’m not fussy!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] こうやって、ぱっ!こうやって、ぱっ!これがお弁当を袋に入れるときのテクニックです。手を入れて、ぱっと開くのがコツなんですよ!
[NA] Open the bag like whoosh! Like this, whoosh! That’s my technique for bagging bentos. The trick is to stick your hand in and do a whoosh and open it!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] お隣の金物屋さん、今はいないけど、わたしの大好きなお姉さんが住んでたんです。今は遠くに引っ越して、なかなか会えなくなっちゃいました…
[NA] There’s a hardware store next door. That’s where Miss K used to live! I love her! She moved far away, so I don’t get to see her very much.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] う~ん…算数は分数の計算だって得意だけど、国語は苦手~…これ、なんて読むか教えてもらってもいいですか?
[NA] Weeell... I’m pretty good at doing fractions in math, but reading is so tough... Like here, can you tell me how to say this word?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] えへへ♪この三角巾、わたしの宝物なんです。お隣のお姉さんからプレゼントしてもらって、お手伝い中はずっといっしょなんですよっ!
[NA] Hehe, this bandana is my treasure! Miss K from next door gave it to me. I always have it on when I help at the shop!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] わあ!竹工房のお姉さんは千秋屋の常連さんですよ。ときどきお惣菜を買いに来てくれるんです。双子のお姉さんがいるらしくて、うらやましいです。
[NA] Ah, the girl from the bamboo studio is a regular at our shop... She comes to buy side dishes sometimes. I heard she has a twin sister. I’m so jealous.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] そうですねぇ~…食べ物に例えると…麻友お姉さんは、ほわほわのわたあめ!莉愛お姉さんは…パチパチのポップコーンですかね!
[NA] Hmmm, if I compared them to food... Mayu is like soft, fluffy cotton candy! And Ria... She’d be, like, poppy popcorn, maybe?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] まなかお姉さんは堂々としてるし、料理も上手だし、コックさんだし!と~っても尊敬できる、かっこいい人です!
[NA] Manaka is so amazing. She’s great at cooking, she’s a chef, I respect her so much! She’s such a cool person!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] My mom and dad said they first met each other at the Chiaki bento shop. Gee, I wonder if my Prince Charming will turn out to be a customer, too... *Giggle*


クエスト開始 - Battle Start
[JP] 袋詰めと魔女退治はわたしにお任せですからっ!
[NA] Leave the bento bagging and the Witch fighting to me!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 1
[JP] わたしだって、ちょっとは成長してますから!
[NA] I’m growing up too, you know!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 2
[JP] 接客も魔女退治も、笑顔が一番ですから!
[NA] A smile is key, whether working at the shop or fighting Witches!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 3
[JP] どうですか!?お姉さんっぽくできたと思いますか!?
[NA] What do you think!? Am I kinda like Miss K now?

Unused 5
[JP] 千秋屋の看板は簡単に背負えるものじゃないです!
[TL] No translation


Disc Select 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Targeting Ally With Connect Disc Select
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Targeted By Connect Disc Select From Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 6
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 7
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 8
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 10
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Magia (1) (Note: The lines used in the game varies; they are normally a mix of Magia and Attack voice lines.)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (2)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (3)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (4)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Doppel (Note: While most characters have Doppel sounds, this does not imply a release of the character's Doppel any time in the foreseeable future)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Giving Connect Attack To Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Connect Attack Given From Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Self
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Allies
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Enemies
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Taking Damage
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Taking Damage While At Critical Health
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Swimsuit Quotes[]

ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Sea, sea, sea~♪ I wanna swim in the sea~♪ Ah, umm... It's nice to see you. This isn't what you might think... I... I've just been practicing singing a song for a school assignment, yeah!

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Good morning! Hehe, I woke up just a bit early. I got done packing yesterday evening, so I'm ready to set out anytime!

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Let's see... Yakisoba... Yakitori... Fried squids... Corn dogs... Do beach cafes exclusively sell food that looks brown? You can't call this a balanced menu!

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] We have to clean up before it gets dark. Fold our umbrella and sheets, return rental swim ring, water gun, and... this watermelon splitting set too, of course!

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
  • Yawn*... I've played so much today, I'm feeling a little tired now. I feel like I'll fall asleep the second I get into bed. *Yawn*...

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Hmmm... I just can't move my body right when I'm trying to swim in the sea. Can you please look? Bubbly-bubble... Pah! Bubbly-bubble... Pyah?! I accidentally drank some sea water...

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Hyagh?! No way, a Witch at the beach... What do we do... Oh, I'm not afraid or anything, okay?! I've made up my mind to grow up into a reliable big sister, after all!

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] If I were to become friends with my Mirrors copy, it'd be like I got myself a twin sister. That sounds like it might be fun. I'm a bit nervous about it, but I'll try chatting with one next time I get the chance to.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] If you're planning to go on a beach picnic, this is a must! An onigiri with umeboshi, wrapped with ooba! Umeboshi's sterilizing properties mean that it's easy on your stomach, making it a light and refreshing snack!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Taking a stroll in the sea feels so nice! Mameji is barking all happily too. I'd definitely like to take him to the beach again.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Oh, so you've noticed it! This is my new wind bell key holder. It has a bell inside that makes chiming sounds when it moves.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] My mother made me promise that I won't eat more than one ice cream a day, no matter how hot it is outside. That said... Shaved ice isn't ice cream, so it won't count if I eat it, right?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] I go to the Coordinator shop to play sometimes. It's always chilly there, and Mitama onee-san is always waiting for customers with a big smile on her face!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] We're thinking of expanding our bento shop lineup with new summer menu items, so I'd like to ask you a few related questions. Please tell me three each of your favourite summer side dishes, and your favourite ingredients!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] I hardly have any time to myself between helping run the Chiaki bento shop, playing with friends and doing my homework. Did I forget something... Oh, right! I also take Mameji outside on walks!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Miss K took me to the beach back when I was in grade school, but the sea was so deep, and the waves so scary, I bawled my eyes out back there.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] Ooh, it's an octopus! I-I'm not afraid of it! It can wriggle all it wants, it won't phase me in the slightest. Hyagh?! I-It just spat some ink at me like, "whoosh"?!

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] U-Um, please take this! I'm sure that everybody here will lighten up if they have some of this Chiaki-ya special fried chicken! So please, stop fighting!
