Magia Record English Wiki
Magical Girl

自己紹介⓵ - Self Introduction 1
[JP] 高町なのはです。私は小学3年生の時、とある事件がきっかけで魔法と出会いました。私のパートナー「レイジングハート」は、心を持った魔導師の杖。一緒に頑張りますので、戦闘についてはお任せください!
[NA] Hi, I’m Nanoha Takamachi. An incident happened back when I was little and that’s how I was introduced to magic. My partner is Raising Heart, a magic staff with a heart of her own. We’ll do our best, so leave the fighting to us!

自己紹介⓶ - Self Introduction 2
[JP] 初めまして!高町なのはです。小学5年生で、嘱託魔導師。なのはって呼んでくださいね。
[NA] Hi there! I’m Nanoha Takamachi. I'm a part-time mage! You can call me "Nanoha!"

Personal Story

Story Chapter End 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] With magic we can protect what matters most to us.

Story Chapter End 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] No matter what kind of trouble I get into, I'll always find a way to get out of it!

Story Chapter End 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Whatever fate awaits me, I'll blast through as far as my magic can take me!

Story Select 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Nanoha Takamachi, ready for battle!

Story Select 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Let's keep moving... straight forward!

Story Select 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] I want to be stronger... stronger than I am now.

Story Select 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] This is for anyone who's out there crying...

Story Select 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] There's something I want to protect.

Story Select 6
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] You're never really alone.

Unused 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation


強化完了 - Strengthening Complete
[JP] 力が湧いてくる。これでもっと頑張れます!
[NA] All this power... I'll try even harder!

強化(Lv最大時) - Strengthening Max
[JP] みんなのおかげで、ここまで来られました。これからも頑張ります!
[NA] I've come this far with everyone's help... I won't let them down!

エピソードLvアップ - Episode Lvl Up
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Would you tell me more?

魔力解放 - Magical Release 1
[JP] 私の武器は、防御の固さと射砲撃。状況対応力、伸ばしていきたいです。
[NA] My best weapons are good defense and firepower. I want to become more adaptable!

魔力解放 - Magical Release 2
[JP] いろんな魔法や新しい戦術、覚えていくのは楽しいです。
[NA] It's so much fun, learning all kinds of new magic and tactics!

魔力解放 - Magical Release 3
[JP] まだまだこれから。もっと強くなります!
[NA] I’ll become even stronger!

マギアLvアップ - Magia Lvl Up
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Now, I can push myself even more!!! [Raising Heart: --All right.]

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 1
[JP] 守りたいもの、助けたい人に届くため、私は、もっと強くなる!
[NA] For all those I want to protect, all those I want to help, I promise I'll get stronger!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 2
[JP] あの日、大事な友達からレイジングハートと一緒に受け取った魔法の力、困っている誰かを助けるためにも、どんどん磨いていくんだ!
[NA] I received my magic and Raising Heart from a very important friend. I'll keep perfecting them so I can save people who are in trouble!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 3
[JP] 強くなるよ。無理でも何でも、もの分かりよく諦めちゃうと後悔するから。だから決めたんだ。どんな時でも諦め悪く食らいついて、私の魔法が届く距離にあるものは、全部守っていくんだって!
[NA] I'll become strong. Even if something seems impossible... I'll only regret it if I take the easy way out and give up. I've made up my mind. I won't give up, no matter what... I'll protect everyhting my magic can reach.

Unused 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation


ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] 今日も1日、よろしくね!
[NA] Let's make today a good one!

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] ふわ~…おはよ~。昨日はちょっと夜更かしさんだったの…。よし、頑張って起きまーす。
[NA] *Yaaawn* Morning... I had a bit of a late night last night... All right, time to get up...

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] お昼の時間だね。今日のお昼はどうしようか。
[NA] It's time for lunch! Now, what to eat?

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] 夕方でーす。この時間はいつも魔法の練習。動いた後のご飯っておいしいですよね。
[NA] It's early evening. I always practice magic around this time! Can't beat dinner after lots of hard work!

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] お風呂も入ったし、後は寝るだけ!なんだけど…この時間帯って、なんだかお話ししたくならないかなあ。
[NA] A nice bath and then it's off to bed! Is it just me, or isn't it fun talking this late at night?

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] おかえりなさい。準備も大事だけど、ゆっくりお話とか、どうかな。
[NA] Welcome back... It's always important to be prepared, but how about a relaxing chat instead this time?

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] 私もレイジングハートも、準備万端。いつでも行けまーす。
[NA] Raising Heart and I are good to go! Ready when you are!

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] 模擬戦とかどうかなあ。ここ最近の練習成果を見てみたいし、付き合ってくれると嬉しいな。
[NA] How about a quick sparring match? I'd love to see how much my recent training has paid off. So what do you think?

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] 良かったらお話ししよう。もっともっと仲良くなれると思うから。
[NA] If you have some time, let's talk! I'm sure we'll be even better friends in no time.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] 私の魔法は、ミッドチルダ式。時空管理局ではポピュラーな術式なんだけど、ここではいろんな魔法があってびっくりしちゃった。
[NA] I use Midchildan magic. It's rather popular in the Time-Space Administration Bureau, but it's really surprising how many different types of magic there are here.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] 私のバリアジャケットは装甲の厚さが自慢。少しくらいの攻撃なら平気だから、どんどん頼ってほしいな。
[NA] My Barrier Jacket's got the thickest armor around! Little attacks are nothing, so you can count on me.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] 時空管理局は、次元世界、遠い宇宙を巻き込む危険な事件を扱う、警察のような組織だよ。私はそのお手伝いをしてる感じかな。
[NA] The Time-Space Administration Bureau is like a police force that handles incidents on a dimensional scale... Things that would endanger places far off in outer space. I'm kind of like one of their assistants.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Fate and Hayate are my treasured friends. We only met about two years ago, but all the words we've shared made us so close.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] I first learned about magic when I met Raising Heart. She's been my teacher and partner ever since. She's always there when I need her.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] If only I'd fought harder more lives could've been saved. I have to get stronger, so sad stories don't have to end that way anymore!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] I'll get stronger, because my goals haven't changed. I can't let my friends down. Would you help me figure out what to do?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Oh yeah, actually, I'm left-handed. Holding chopsticks isn't a problem at all, but writing can be a pain sometimes.


クエスト開始 - Battle Start
[JP] 行くよ、レイジングハート!≪Stand by, ready≫
[NA] Here we go, Raising Heart! [Raising Heart: --Stand by, ready.]

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 1
[JP] 高町なのは、負けません!
[NA] I, Nanoha Takamachi, will never give in!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 2
[JP] お疲れさまです。無事勝てましたね♪
[NA] Good job! I knew you would win!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 3
[JP] 私たちの勝ちです!お話、聞かせて下さいね
[NA] We won! Now it's time to talk.

Unused 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation


Disc Select 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Targeting Ally With Connect Disc Select
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Targeted By Connect Disc Select From Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 6
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 7
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 8
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Attack 10
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Magia (1) (Note: The lines used in the game varies; they are normally a mix of Magia and Attack voice lines.)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (2)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (3)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Magia (4)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Giving Connect Attack To Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Connect Attack Given From Ally
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Self
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Allies
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Actives on Enemies
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Taking Damage
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Taking Damage While At Critical Health
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
Additional Battle Line (1)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Magia 2 (1) (Note: Magia 2 lines replace Doppel lines for this character)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Magia 2 (2)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Magia 2 (3)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Magia 2 (4)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Magia 2 (5)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
