Magia Record English Wiki

Regular Quotes[]

Magical Girl

自己紹介⓵ - Self Introduction 1
[JP] は~い。みんなの味方、調整屋さんこと八雲みたまよ~。これでも私は17歳。ピチピチの女子高生で今でもブイブイ言わせてるヤングガールなのよ。普段は色んなアイテムを使って魔力を強化したり、お手製のアイテムを売ったりしてるから、是非ご贔屓に! [Translation]
[NA] Why, hello there. This is your Coordinator and ally to all, Mitama Yakumo. I may not look it, but I'm still very young and always ready to party. I can be found strengthening magic with various items and selling wares of my own design. Why not have a look?♪

自己紹介⓶ - Self Introduction 2
[JP] あら~、いけないんだ~。調整屋さんはみんなの調整屋さんなんだから。独り占めは禁止よ?これからもよろしくね。 [Translation]
[NA] Oh my, I can't allow this. It's my job to be the Coordinator for everyone. Monopolizing me is a no-no! *Giggle* Well anyway, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Personal Story

Story Chapter End 1
[JP] こんな町なんて、私大嫌い。大嫌いよ。
[TL] I hate this city. I hate it.

Story Chapter End 2
[JP] この力があるから、私は生きられたの。
[TL] Because I have this power, I was able to live.

Story Chapter End 3
[JP] 後悔しても、自分の願いからは逃げられないわ。 [Translation]
[NA] There is no escaping the wish I made. No matter how much I may regret it.

Story Select 1
[JP] どうも~調整屋さんにようこそぉ♪ [Translation]
[NA] Hello! What can the Coordinator do for you?

Story Select 2
[JP] 必要なのは調整?アイテム?わたし? [Translation]
[NA] Are you here for an adjustment? Some items? A chat?

Story Select 3
[JP] ごめんなさい、真剣にからかっただけなのよ [Translation]
[NA] I'm sorry. Really, I'm only teasing you.

Story Select 4
[JP] 甘く見てるとこわ~い目に遭うわよぉ? [Translation]
[NA] Just a warning, you shouldn't take me lightly, or else!

Story Select 5
[JP] きっとわたしは後悔する運命にあるの [Translation]
[NA] Surely I'm destined to live a life of regret.

Story Select 6
[JP] えぇ、大好きだし大嫌いよ、みーんなね [Translation]
[NA] Yes, I love everyone, and hate everyone.

Unused 1
[JP] 全部キレイにできれば、きっと気持ちいいわ [Translation]
[NA] Wiping everything away would feel so nice.


強化完了 - Strengthening Complete
[JP] はぁ~ん!強化するって、ちょっと癖になりそうでしょ? [Translation]
[NA] Hmm, "enhancement"... I could get used to this, don't you agree?

強化(Lv最大時) - Strengthening Max
[JP] こんな調整屋さん、他の誰にも見せないんだからね~? [Translation]
[NA] No one else can be allowed to see this side of the Coordinator, is that clear?

エピソードLvアップ - Episode Lvl Up
[JP] 知りたくても駄目なものはあるのよ~。でも今回は特別ね? [Translation]
[NA] Some things must remain a mystery no matter how much you wish to know. But I'll make an exception this time♪

魔力解放 - Magical Release 1
[JP] 調整屋はね、新西区の路地裏にあるビルの中にひっそりとあるのよ。口コミだけでもう大繁盛…うふふ、なんでもないわ。 [Translation]
[NA] You can find your Coordinator in Shinsei Ward, inconspicuously hidden within a building down a back alley. Word of mouth alone has made my business boom... *Giggle* Nevermind, nothing♪

魔力解放 - Magical Release 2
[JP] 神浜は魔女も魔法少女も多いから、魔力が飽和していろんな結晶ができるの。それを持ってきてくれたら有効活用してあげるわ。 [Translation]
[NA] The concentration of Witches and Magical Girls in Kamihama is high. Due to that, magic energy condenses into various crystals. Bring the crystals to me and I'll make them into something useful for you.

魔力解放 - Magical Release 3
[JP] 他人の魔力に触れる理屈?うーん…磁石みたいな理屈かしら?みんながNの魔力なら私はSの魔力。だから触れちゃうの。 [Translation]
[NA] The logic behind touching another's magic? Hmm, it's like a magnet perhaps? If their magic energy is "N", then my own is "S". I can touch it just fine!♪

マギアLvアップ - Magia Lvl Up
[JP] これってもっとみんなを弄ってもいいって事かしら?うふふふ。 [Translation]
[NA] Does this mean it's okay to tinker with everyone more than I already do? *Giggle*

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 1
[JP] なんだか目が覚めたような気持ち。これからもっと頑張れそうね! [Translation]
[NA] I feel awakened somehow, and motivated to work even harder.

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 2
[JP] 戦えない私が強くなっても気休めだけど、ももこ達がいなくても調整屋を守れるようになりたいのよ。 [Translation]
[NA] Since I can't fight, becoming stronger just helps me feel a little better and nothing more, though I do wish to become strong enough to fend for myself when Momoko and the others aren't around to protect their Coordinator.

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 3
[JP] 戦う力がない私にとって、こうして商売をするのは生き残る為の術なの。けっしてみんなからグリーフシードを絞り取ろうなんて思ってないんだから。…って、いい商売思いついちゃった! [Translation]
[NA] Without the power to fight, selling items like this is a survival technique for me. I'm absolutely not exploiting the others to get Grief Seeds, nope... Ah, I just thought of a new business venture♪

Unused 2
[JP] みんなを強化してるとね、自然と記憶の断片が見えてくるの。ホント魔法少女の子たちって純粋できれいだと思うわ。だから私はね、きれいなみんなのために力を使おうって決めたのよ。
[TL] When strengthening someone, I naturally can see fragments of their memories. I think that girls that become magical girls are very pure and clean. That's why I decided to use my powers for them.


ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] いらっしゃ~い♪もう、調整屋さんを待たせるなんていい度胸してるわね~。今日はとことん付き合ってもらっちゃうぞ! [Translation]
[NA] Welcome! You must have some nerve to keep the Coordinator waiting. I'll have you keep me company for the whole day!

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] 1日を元気に過ごすために、朝食くらいは手作りがいいんだけど。はぁ~やちよさん、“いろはちゃん”か“ももこ”くれないかしら? [Translation]
[NA] I'd like start my morning right and cook my own breakfast, but... *Sigh* I wonder if Yachiyo, Iroha, or Momoko would make something for me...

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] お昼は学生モードよ。例え出席率が悪くても成績はいつもトップクラス。恨まれても仕方ないかもしれないわね~ [Translation]
[NA] I'm in student mode during the day! Even with bad attendance, my grades are always at the top. I can't blame anyone for being jealous.

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] この時間になると色んな魔法少女がくるから大忙しなのよ。あぁ~そこの棚のアイテムは勝手に触っちゃ~駄目なんだから~ [Translation]
[NA] I get very busy this time of the day, dealing with all kinds of Magical Girls. Now, now, don't touch anything on that shelf.

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] ほあ、は~!今日は眠くなるのが早いわね~。もう調整屋はお~しまい♪こういう時、不定期営業は楽でいいわ~ [Translation]
[NA] *Yaaawn* Oh, I'm already getting sleepy... I'm done being Coordinator for today. That's the benefit of having irregular business hours!

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] 夕方以降に忙しくなるのは良いんだけど、お客様がいなくなると寂しくなっちゃうのよね。ちょっとだけ、相手してくれる? [Translation]
[NA] I don't mind being busy in the evenings, but I get so lonely when my customers are gone. Could you keep me company for a little while?

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] 今日もグリーフシードゲットの為にみんな魔女退治頑張ってね!フェリシアちゃん辺りを連れて行くとパパっと済むわよ。きっと。 [Translation]
[NA] Another day of exterminating Witches for Grief Seeds. Good luck, everyone! If you take Felicia with you, it'll be done in no time.

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] そ!果て無しのミラーズもみんなに解明してもらわないと。色んな品を用意して待ってるから、みんな無事に帰ってきてね~ [Translation]
[NA] That's right, I'll need everyone to solve the mystery of the Endless Mirrors. And I'll be here with all my items, ready and waiting for them to come back safely.

Unused 3
[JP] あらあら、ずいぶんと大きな戦いが始まるのね?早くみんな集まって!お金になるものを持って早く!私が調整してあげるから!
[TL] Oh my, a big battle is starting, isn't it? Everyone, come quick, with anything valuable! I'll adjust you!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] 少しずつだけど学校には顔を出すようにしてるの。調整屋と両立しないといけないから進級するのはギリギリなんだけどね… [Translation]
[NA] I try to show up at school from time to time. I have to juggle my job as a Coordinator too, so my attendance is barely enough to move on to the next grade.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] さぁ!どこの何を調整してほしいのかしら?10秒以内に言わないと…調整屋さんが勝手に弄っちゃうわよ~ [Translation]
[NA] So, what kind of adjustments do you need me to make? If you don't tell me in 10 seconds, I'm going to choose what I mess with!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] はいザーンネン。商品を勝手に取るなんていけない人ね。あっ、そうだ、罰にならないんだけど私のお料理に付き合ってくれない? [Translation]
[NA] Too bad, so sad! Aren't you naughty, touching my products without permission. Oh, I know! It's not much of a punishment, but why don't you cook with me?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] 私ね“おこた”が大好きなのよ。一度入ったらもう出られなくなって…トイレとお風呂以外はずーっと、ぬくぬくモードなの~ [Translation]
[NA] I love sitting next to the heater. Once I'm there, I don't ever budge. Unless I need to go to the bathroom or take a bath, I'm always in snuggle mode.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] 私が中立っていう立場で誰にでも調整するからこそ、ここは戦闘禁止の安全地帯でいられるの。いい避難場所でしょ? [Translation]
[NA] Thanks to my neutral position as Coordinator, this area is a safe no-fighting zone. *Chuckle* It's a great place to escape to, isn't it?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] 悪いと思ってるわよ。いつもももこに使い魔や魔女を倒してもらってるのはね。でもももこって優しいから…つい甘えちゃうのよね。 [Translation]
[NA] I do feel bad for always relying on Momoko to fight Familiars and Witches for me. But she's too nice, I can't help depending on her.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] 十七夜は本当に神出鬼没だから困っちゃうわ。でも…私の過去を知っていて昔話ができるのは彼女だけだから…怒れないのよ。 [Translation]
[NA] Kanagi just pops out of nowhere all the time. Still, she's the only one I can talk with about my past, so I can't get mad at her.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] そんなにグリーフシードを集めてどうしてるのかって?うーん…こういうお仕事だし…「自分の浄化に使ってる」としか言えないわね~ [Translation]
[NA] What am I going to do with all these Grief Seeds I'm collecting? Well, all I can say is that I need them to purify my Soul Gem in my line of work.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] んもう~!えいえいえい!しつこい子には魔力が落ちるツボ、突いちゃうんだから!もちろん嘘だけど。 [Translation]
[NA] Take that, and that, and that! I hit pesky rascals like you in places that weaken their magic! *Chuckle* I'm only joking, of course!


クエスト開始 - Battle Start
[JP] あまり自分の手は汚したくないんだけど。 [Translation]
[NA] I don't really want to get my hands dirty, but...

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 1
[JP] あら、わたしでもやれるものねぇ♪ [Translation]
[NA] My my, not too shabby, if I do say so myself!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 2
[JP] もう緊張しちゃってドキドキしちゃう… [Translation]
[NA] I'm so nervous, my heart is pounding...

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 3
[JP] 調整屋さん褒められたいなぁ~ [Translation]
[NA] Your Coordinator would appreciate a compliment or two!

Unused 5
[JP] ありがとうみんな、とっても助かるわ [Translation]
[NA] Thank you, everyone, you're all a big help.


Disc Select 1
[JP] はい!
[TL] Yes!

Disc Select 2
[JP] これね!
[TL] This one!

Disc Select 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Disc Select 4
[JP] 決~めた!
[TL] I've decided!

Targeting Ally With Connect Disc Select
[JP] 行くわよ!
[TL] Let's go!

Targeted By Connect Disc Select From Ally
[JP] 楽しみだわ!
[TL] Looking forward to it!

Attack 1
[JP] ちょっとガマンしてね!
[TL] Just hold on!

Attack 2
[JP] 痛くないから大丈夫!
[TL] It won't hurt a bit, don't worry!

Attack 3
[JP] この感覚は久しぶりね!
[TL] I haven't had this feeling in a while!

Attack 4
[JP] どうぞ!
[TL] Here you go!

Attack 5
[JP] こっちよ!
[TL] This way!

Attack 6
[JP] あら怖い。
[TL] How scary.

Attack 7
[JP] まだ動く?
[TL] Still moving?

Attack 8
[JP] あらあら。
[TL] Oh my.

Attack 9
[JP] やられて!
[TL] Just lose!

Attack 10
[JP] おしまい!
[TL] The end!

Magia (1) (Note: The lines used in the game varies; they are normally a mix of Magia and Attack voice lines.)
[JP] 白は何色にも染まらない平等の象徴…
[TL] White is the symbol of purity, stained by no other colors...
Magia (2)
[JP] 一緒に溶けましょう、この無垢なる世界に…
[TL] Let's melt into this innocent world together...
Magia (3)
[JP] いーち、にー、さーん、しー、ご!
[TL] One, two, three, four, five!
Magia (4)
[JP] これでみんな苦しまなくてすむわね。
[TL] Nobody has to suffer anymore.
Doppel (Note: While most characters have Doppel sounds, this does not imply a release of the character's Doppel any time in the foreseeable future)
[JP] 見たことを反省なさい。
[TL] You should regret seeing this.
Giving Connect Attack To Ally
[JP] 頑張るあなたにご褒美!
[TL] A reward for a hard worker like you!
Connect Attack Given From Ally
[JP] あら素敵!嬉しいわ
[TL] Oh, wonderful! I'm happy.

Actives on Self
[JP] まだいけちゃう!
[TL] I can still do it!

Actives on Allies
[JP] 支えるわ。
[TL] I'll support you.

Actives on Enemies
[JP] 残念ね。
[TL] Sorry for you.

Taking Damage
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Taking Damage While At Critical Health
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

[JP] 滅ぶのは、私…
[TL] It's me who falls...

Swimsuit Quotes[]

ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] You surprised me when you invited me here. What, did you want to see your Coordinator in her swimsuit? You should've just said that in the first place.

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Breakfast at the beach... Everything is so fresh and delicious. Especially the food at the place we're staying. I'm pretty sure everything they have would make my mouth water.

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] The shaved iced eating competition! Whoever can eat the most within the allotted time wins! Sponsored by your favorite Coordinator! Be careful... You may even get the spicy strawberry flavor♪

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] This whole setting, doesn't it feel like we're in a drama? With the sunset in the background, saying goodbye to our loved one as they move on.

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Tamayaaa! Kagiyaaa! *Giggle* These words Japanese people use while enjoying fireworks were actually once the names of real shops that sold them. I just learned that the other day online.

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] ZzZzZzZzZ... Huh? Sorry... Reading under this umbrella, I was just so comfortable.

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Trying to ruin my vacation, Witch? You need to be punished. Just wait... You will be taken some other Magical Girl!

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Question time! Who do you think you can see in a swimsuit in Endless Mirrors? *Drum Roll* The answer... Well, you're going to have to go see for yourself. *Giggle*

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] When you're having trouble sleeping because of all those pesky mosquitoes... Try this! It's an electric fly swatter! Trust me... All you have to do is swing it and watch those mosquitoes fall!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] The perfect ocean snapshot... Leave it to the Beachside Eagle Eye, Mitama Yakumo! Be careful though... If you let your guard down, I might catch you in an embarrassing pose♪

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] If you can't swim, why don't leave it to me? I have ways to make you a pro... Don't believe me? Care to let me try?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Paella, miso soup, curry... All these wonderful dishes utilizing fresh seafood. I want to try them all. Too bad there isn't a sample platter...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Tomorrow I have to go to class... I have to make up for all the time I took off during the week. I want to get it over with during summer vacation. Plus, it'll be pretty empty... Good idea, don't you think?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Swimming lessons? Of course I'll just be watching. I have absolutely no good memories of these kinds of classes...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] What, does this swimsuit look like it'll be too tight? Hold on... Ugh... Hmph!!! I knew I could fit into it! I didn't think it would be this tight, though...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] Did you know if you take a picture with your back facing the camera you can actually get some pretty sexy results? Don't tell Momoko I said that, though.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[NA] *Giggle* You've shown me your back, you're out of luck. Now you're going to have to let me put this suntan lotion on you♪

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Shopkeeper Quotes[]

Shopkeeper Quotes
Shop 1
[JP] 取り扱うのは戦う女の子の必需品。調整屋さんのお店にようこそ! [Translation]
[NA] I carry everything a girl needs for going into battle... Welcome to the Coordinator's Shop♪

Shop 2
[JP] 戦いの準備は万全かしら?調整屋さんではみんなに安心と安全をお届けするわよ! [Translation]
[NA] Are you all prepared for battle? I provide safety and security for everyone♪

Shop 3
[JP] いらっしゃーい!ソウルジェムを弄ってほしいの?あら、今回は買い物なのね? [Translation]
[NA] Hi, welcome♪ Want me to adjust your Soul Gem? Ahh, you're here to do a little shopping, aren't you?

Shop 4
[JP] ここのアイテムは私の真心でいーっぱい!さあ、ご希望の品を教えてちょうだい。 [Translation]
[NA] I've put heart and soul into these items♪ Now, tell me what you'd like to buy♪

Shop 5
[JP] だだいま調整屋さんでは、日ごろのご愛顧に感謝を込めて、期間限定キャンペーンを開催中よ。 [Translation]
[NA] Your Coordinator is so thankful for all your patronage! That's why I'm offering a "limited time" only sale♪

Shop 6
[JP] ただいまお店は実りの季節。今しかお目にかかれないものもあるから、チェックを欠かしちゃだめよ? [Translation]
[NA] I’ve got some really special items in stock right now! But once they’re gone, they’re gone. Don’t miss out♪

Shop 7
[JP] あらー、気づいちゃったのね、このいやしんぼさん。うふふ、棚を見てみればわかるわよ。 [Translation]
[NA] Look what you found, you greedy little shopper. *Chuckle* Go ahead,take a closer look.

Shop 8
[JP] 二十四時間営業なんて名目よ。朝は弱いから寝かせて…それとも、そんなにかまってほしいの? [Translation]
[NA] I'm open 24 hours a day in spirit only. You really should let this late riser sleep a little... Or maybe you can't go on without my attention?

Shop 9
[JP] お昼はお店も暇で、一番のんびりした時間なのよ。うふ、よかったら、一緒にランチでもしましょうか。 [Translation]
[NA] The shop’s not very busy around noon. It’s the best time to take it easy♪ *Giggle* Shall we have lunch together?

Shop 10
[JP] 黄昏時。これから夜の帳が降りるとともに、魔法少女たちが活動を始める…みんなが傷ついても大丈夫なように、私も頑張らなくちゃ。 [Translation]
[NA] In twilight, when the curtain of night begins to fall, Magical Girls begin to stir... I have to do my best to be prepared in case someone gets injured.

Shop 11
[JP] みんな無事にまたお店に来てくれるかしら…ごめんなさい、夜中になるとしんみりしちゃって… [Translation]
[NA] I hope everyone comes back to the shop safely. I'm sorry, I tend to get uneasy late at night.

Shop 12
[JP] わたし、時々ふざけてるのっていわれることがあるんだけど、ちゃんと真剣よ?真剣にからかってるだけなんだから。 [Translation]
[NA] Sometimes people can't tell if I'm joking or not, but I'm always serious. Serious about teasing that is. *Giggle*

Gacha 1
[JP] あなたのソウルジェム、のぞかせてもらうわね。 [Translation]
[NA] I'm just going to take a little peek into your Soul Gem.

Gacha 2
[JP] 調整屋さん、ちょっと頑張っちゃおうかな? [Translation]
[NA] Time to do what the Coordinator does best.

Gacha 3
[JP] さあ、リラックスして。深く因果をたどるから。 [Translation]
[NA] Now just relax... We're going deep into your fate...

Gacha 4
[JP] 深く、広く、果てしなく。あなたのすべてを見せて。 [Translation]
[NA] Deeper...into your infinite being... Show me your everything...

Gacha 5
[JP] 不思議、あなたの因果に変化が起きたみたい。 [Translation]
[NA] How strange... Your fate seems to have changed.

Gacha 6
[JP] あなたの因果におきた異変、深く、探らせてもらうわ。 [Translation]
[NA] Let's investigate that little anomaly in your fate the best we can, hmm?

Valentine's Shopkeeper Quotes[]

Shopkeeper Quotes
Shop 1
[JP] 魔法少女も恋する季節。 調整屋さんが役に立てるなら何でも言ってね
[TL] It's the season to fall in love for Magical Girls too. If there's anything the Coordinator can do to help, feel free to reach out to me~.

Shop 2
[JP] いらっしゃい♪ 残念だけど調整屋さんで惚れ薬は扱ってないのよ
[TL] Welcome♪ Unfortunately, we don't sell love potions at the Coordinator's shop.

Shop 3
[JP] ソウルジェムを弄ってほしいの? 想い人見ちゃわないように、 気をつけないといけないわね
[TL] Do you want me to adjust your Soul Gem? You should think twice if you don't want me to see who it is that you hold dear~.

Shop 4
[JP] 今なら、 調整屋さん特製チョコレートをプレゼント。 市販品を溶かして固めただけだけド
[TL] Right now, the Coordinator is gifting specially-made chocolates~. Though it's just commercial chocolate that I melted and then hardened again.

Shop 8
[JP] 朝の今頃、 みんなあの手この手を使ってチョコレートを渡すのよね。 うふふ。 だめねぇ、 に焼けてきちゃう
[TL] Around this time in the morning, everyone's doing all sorts of things to hand out their chocolates~. *Chuckle* Oh no, I'm blushing just thinking about it.

Shop 9
[JP] みんなに配ろうと思ってチョコを作ったけど、思ってより、 余っちゃったのよね。 んん... 今日のお昼はチョコレートでいいや
[TL] I made chocolates as a gift for everyone, but I ended up with more than I expected. Hmm... Oh well, I'll just have some for lunch today.

Shop 10
[JP] 夕方の放課後、 校舎裏に呼び出される男子。 やってきたのは屈強なを男。 …ほっ! いけない、 イメージするものを間違っちゃった
[TL] An after-school evening... Voices, summoning a boy behind the schoolhouse... Thunderous footsteps from the hulking brute's approach... ...*Gasp* Oops! That was TOTALLY not what I was trying to imagine.

Shop 11
[JP] 男子も女子も、 それぞれ三者三様のバレンタインを過ごしたんでしょうね〜。 私も甘酸っぱい思い出が欲しいわね
[TL] Both boys and girls celebrate Valentine's Day in their own different ways. I'd like to make bittersweet memories as well.

Shop 12
[JP] 私に好きな人がいるかどうかは秘密よう。 知りたかったら、そうねえ…あなたも調整屋さんになればいいんじゃないかしら〜 うふふふ
[TL] Whether or not I have someone that I like is a secret. But if you want to know, well... Maybe you should become a Coordinator, too~. *Chuckle*

Gacha 1
[JP] ふふっ、今日はちょっと緊張してるみたいねぇ
[TL] ...*Chuckle* You seem a little nervous today.

Gacha 2
[JP] 好きな人を覗いたりなんてしないから、安心して
[TL] Don't worry, I won't look into the person that you like.

Gacha 3
[JP] 恋愛も調整もリラックスしないとね
[TL] When it comes to love and adjustments, it's important to relax.

Gacha 4
[JP] あなたの恋の熱量に調整屋さんもあてられそうよ
[TL] The intensity of your love could do the Coordinator in.

Gacha 5
[JP] 新しい因果の結び目、この糸はどんな色かしら
[TL] A new knot of fate is forming... What color will this thread be?

Gacha 6
[JP] 運命の赤い糸、信じて良いかもしれないわね
[TL] The red thread of fate... It may be wise to believe in it.

Halloween Shopkeeper Quotes[]

Shop 1
[JP] トリック・オア・トリート!買い物しないといたずらしちゃうぞ。
[TL] Trick or treat♪ Those who don't buy something may get tricked... *Chuckle*

Shop 2
[JP] 調整屋さんにはコスプレ衣装もいっぱいって言えるように準備しておけばよかったわあ。
[TL] We have pleeenty of costumes at the Coordinator's, too! ...or at least we would, if I'd thought that far ahead.

Shop 3
[JP] いらっしゃーい!調整屋さんの手作りジャックオーランタンはいかがかしら?
[TL] Hi, welcome♪ How about the Coordinator's handmade Jack-o'-lantern?

Shop 4
[JP] 残念だけどお菓子はないのよ… あら、私もしかしていたずらされちゃう?
[TL] Unfortunately, I have no candy left... Ahh, maybe I'm also about to get tricked?

Shop 8
[JP] 今日はどんなかわいいお客さんが来るのかしらって朝からわくわくしてるのよ。「きゅん」ときちゃったら、ちょっとサービスちょっとも。
[TL] Since the morning, I've been thinking on what kind of cute customers will be passing by today♪ If one of them makes my heart skip a beat, I might give them some special service!

Shop 9
[JP] ハロウィーンの食べ物って何かしら?パンプキンスープ?ランチでサービスするもいいけど色がちょっとねえ……アレンジしようかしら!
[TL] I wonder what would food for Halloween be? Pumpkin Soup? Offering lunch as a special service would be nice, but the color's not very appealing. ...Maybe I'll put my own spin on it!

Shop 10
[JP] 冗談がやめて。何か買っておいたほうがいいんじゃない。だってハロウィンでは本物の魔女も動き続けてるんだから。そろそろ活発になる時間よ。
[TL] Enough joking. You should buy something. Because on Halloween, the real Witches keep moving around. Soon, it'll be the time when they're most active.

Shop 11
[JP] 夜も更けてきたし、いろんなおうちを回ってみる?魔法少女の衣装なら多少はコスプレに見えなくもないと思うわよ。
[TL] It's getting late, so why don't you go visit some houses? I think a Magical Girl outfit should look like a costume, right? *Chuckle*

Shop 12
[JP] やりたいわ。魔法少女たちの仮装パーティー、もう想像するだけでかわいいもの!ももこには嫌がっても何か着せたいわねえ。
[TL] I want to do it. A costume party for Magical Girls; so cute just thinking about it♪ Even if she makes a fuss about it, I really want to dress Momoko up in something.

Gacha 1
[JP] ふふっ、楽しい気持ちが伝わってくるわよお
[TL] Huhu, some fun feelings are being sent to me.

Gacha 2
[JP] ごめんなさい、少し覗き過ぎたかもしれないわ
[TL] I'm sorry, I may have looked a little too deeply.

Gacha 3
[JP] 調整屋さんもイタズラしちゃおうかなっ
[TL] Will the adjuster be mischievous too, I wonder.

Gacha 4
[JP] イベントに行って繋がりを増やしてきたみたいね
[TL] It looks like you've gone to an event and made more connections.

Gacha 5
[JP] 魔女の影響?何か不思議なものが見えるわ…
[TL] A witch's influence...? I can see something strange...

Gacha 6
[JP] 因果が広がる…これはハロウィンの影響なの…?
[TL] The possibilities of your karmic potential are this influence from Halloween...?

Christmas Shopkeeper Quotes[]

Shopkeeper Quotes
Shop 1
[JP] メリークリスマース! 魔法少女のプレゼントを買うなら、やっぱり調整屋さんやね
[TL] Merry Christmas! If you want to buy a present for a Magical Girl, the Coordinator's shop is the right place to be.

Shop 2
[JP] ち、 違うのよ、バタバタしてたらちゃんと衣装を準備できなくて…
[TL] N-no, it's not what you think. I was just so busy that I couldn't prepare a costume...

Shop 3
[JP] いらっしゃい♪ 調整屋さんはクリスマスの平常運転よ
[TL] Welcome♪ The Coordinator's shop is open for Christmas~.

Shop 4
[JP] 私をパーティーに誘いに来てくれたの? それなら、付き合っちゃおうかな
[TL] Oh, are you inviting me to a party? Perhaps I'll take you up on your offer, then.

Shop 8
[JP] 毎年クリスマスの朝ってワクワクするのよね。 外が雪化粧で綺麗になってるかもしれないじゃない? うふふ
[TL] Every year, Christmas morning is so exciting~. When you step outside, doesn't the snow blanketing everything look so pretty? *Giggle*

Shop 9
[JP] お昼でも外はすっごく寒いわよねぇ。 暇ならゆっくりしていっていいのよ。 私も店番で一人だから、 話し相手がほしくって
[TL] It's so cold outside even at noon. If you have spare time, feel free to stay a little longer. It's just me here in the shop, so someone to talk to would be nice.

Shop 10
[JP] クリスマスの夜といえばパーティー。 パーティーといえばケーキ。 実はね、 調整屋さん特製ケーキを、 来店した人にプレゼントしてるの
[TL] Christmas night means a party. And a party means cake! You see, the Coordinator is gifting specially made cakes to those who visit the shop.

Shop 11
[JP] 22時までにちゃんと寝低、 サンタさんは探さないこと。 守らないとプレゼントをもらえないわよ。 ...あら、もう22時を過ぎてたらね
[TL] Go to bed by 10 PM, and don't go looking for Santa. Otherwise, you won't get a present. ...Oh my, 10 PM has already passed.

Shop 12
[JP] 魔法少女はクリスマスも大忙しね〜。 私も人のこと言えないんだけれど
[TL] Magical Girls sure are busy even during Christmas~. Like I'm one to talk, though.

Gacha 1
[JP] ソウルジェムから楽しそうな音が聞にえてくるわぁ
[TL] I can hear fun sounds coming from your Soul Gem.

Gacha 2
[JP] リラックスして、聖なる日でも特に変化はないから
[TL] Relax. Even though it's a holy day, nothing will be different from the usual.

Gacha 3
[JP] 特別な日は因果にも影響を及ばすのね…
[TL] So special days can also affect your fate, huh...

Gacha 4
[JP] 何か見えた気がするわ、クリスマスだからかしら?
[TL] I can see something... Is it because of Christmas?

Gacha 5
[JP] 聖夜にはどんな繋がりが生まれるのかしら
[TL] I wonder what sort of connections you'll make on this Holy Night...

Gacha 6
[JP] 冷たいはずなのに温かい、何が起きているの…?
[TL] It's supposed to be cold, and yet it feels warm... What's happening here...?

Tanabata Shopkeeper Quotes[]

Shopkeeper Quotes
Shop 1
[JP] 愛し合うふたりが1年に1度だけ会える日…うふふ、考えただけでロマンチックよね
[TL] A day when two lovers can only meet once a year... *Giggle* It's quite romantic if you think about it~.

Shop 2
[JP] 私に会いに来てくれる彦星様はいないけど、お客様がたくさん来てくれるから嬉しい
[TL] While I don't have my own Hikoboshi who visits me, I'm glad that I have plenty of customers that come by instead~.

Shop 3
[JP] 調整屋ではー夏の大三角キャンペーンを開催中!利用してくれたこに、星型のクッキーをプレゼントしてるわよ
[TL] The Coordinator is currently holding a Summer Triangle campaign I'll be giving out star-shaped cookies to those that use my service.

Shop 4
[JP] いらっしゃい♪ イベントごとも大切だけど、まずは調整よね
[TL] Welcome♪ Events are important too, but adjustments come first~.

Shop 8
[JP] さぁて、みんなが来る前に、七夕飾りを置かないとねぇ。手伝ってくれるなら、今日のところは調整代を負けてあげるわよ
[TL] Now then, I need to put up the Tanabata decorations before people arrive. If you help me out, I'll give you a discount on adjustments for today~.

Shop 9
[JP] はぁあ… この時期は蒸しあつくって、調整していると汗をかくのよね… 心優しい助手がいたら、私の汗をそっと拭ってくれるのに…
[TL] ...*Sigh*... It's so hot and humid now that I'm sweating while adjusting... If only I had a kind-hearted assistant who would gently wipe off my sweat...

Shop 10
[JP] 天気予報だと、夜は雲ひとつなく、晴れるそうよ。よかったわね〜 1年に1度の大切な日なのに、織姫様と彦星様が会えないのは、気の毒だもの
[TL] According to the weather forecast, it'll be clear skies with not a cloud in sight even at nighttime. Thank goodness~. This precious day only comes once a year, so it'd be a shame if Orihime and Hikoboshi couldn't reunite.

Shop 11
[JP] 真面目で頑張り屋さんが私でも、七夕くらいみんなと同じように星を眺めたいわ… よーし、決めた!今日は店じまいしちゃうっと
[TL] Even though I'm serious about my work, I'd like to go stargazing with everyone else for Tanabata too... Alright, I've decided! I'm going to close up shop for today!

Shop 12
[JP] ちょっと奮発して、人工の笹を買ったのよ〜 来年もみんなで七夕を迎えられるようにって、願いも込めてね
[TL] I decided to splurge a bit and bought some fake bamboo branches~. I'll wish for everyone to be able to celebrate Tanabata next year as well.

Gacha 1
[JP] さらさらと音がするわ…これは、笹の葉かしら
[TL] Something's making a rustling sound... Are these bamboo leaves, perhaps?

Gacha 2
[JP] あら、七夕の思い出をたくさん作ったのねぇ
[TL] Oh my, you've made a lot of memories during Tanabata.

Gacha 3
[JP] 七夕の夜に輝くのは、星だけじゃないのかもね
[TL] The stars aren't the only things shining on the night of Tanabata.

Gacha 4
[JP] 不思議…魔力が天の川みたいにきらめいてるわ
[TL] How strange... Your magic is sparkling just like the Milky Way.

Gacha 5
[JP] 1年ぶりの大切な今日に、繋がりが深まりそうよ
[TL] Since this precious day happens only once a year, perhaps it'd be a good time for relationships to deepen.

Gacha 6
[JP] これが…七夕の奇跡だっていうの…?
[TL] Is this what they call...a Tanabata miracle...?

Summer Shopkeeper Quotes[]

Shopkeeper Quotes
Shop 1
[JP] 何を求めかしら?お肌を守るアイテムはないけど、魔法少女のアイテムなら、たくさんあるわよ
[TL] What would you like to buy? We may not have skin protection items, but we do have plenty of Magical Girl items at least.

Shop 2
[JP] いらっしゃい♪ 夏バテで疲れた時は、調整するのをおすすめするわよ
[TL] Welcome♪ If the summer heat is getting to you, I'd recommend getting an adjustment.

Shop 3
[JP] 調整屋さんでは水着キャンペーンを開催中!…なんてね。うふふ
[TL] The Coordinator's swimsuit campaign is now in session! ...Just kidding! *Chuckle*

Shop 4
[JP] あら、恥ずかしいところを見られちゃったわ。暑いから、涼もうと思って
[TL] Oh my, you saw an embarrassing side of me. Since it's hot, I thought I'd cool off.

Shop 8
[JP] 朝ならお客さんが少ないから着替えたのに、まさか見られちゃうなんてねぇ。 もう、恥ずかしいわ… ちなみにこの水着、変じゃないか知ら
[TL] Since there usually aren't many customers in the morning, I decided to change now, but I didn't expect to be seen... Geez, how embarrassing... By the way, you don't think this swimsuit looks weird, right?

Shop 9
[JP] 昼の日差しも暑かったでしょ?ほら見て、ちょっと思考を凝らして、西瓜を用意してみたの。一緒に食べましょ!
[TL] The sunlight during noon is so hot, right? But see, I thought of this ahead of time and brought some watermelon. Let's dig in!

Shop 10
[JP] そろそろ魔女が出る時間ねぇ… もしも泳げないのに、海で魔女を見かけたら、調整屋さんにまかせて。泳げるように、ソウルジェムを弄ってあげるから
[TL] It's almost time for Witches to be active again... If you can't swim and you see a Witch at the beach, just leave it to the Coordinator. I'll adjust your Soul Gem so that you can swim.

Shop 11
[JP] 夜中になると、さすがに風邪を引いちゃうわねぇ。少しおくに入ってるから、何か欲しかったら声をかけてね。あぁ、呉れ呉れも、覗いちゃだめよ
[TL] When it's this late at night, I'm definitely going to catch a cold... I'll be right back, so if you need anything, just call out to me. Ah, and as a reminder, don't peek at me.

Shop 12
[JP] 暑い夏、水着もある、時間だって撮ろうと思えば… はぁあ… 誰か私を海に誘ってくれないかしら?つかの間のバカンスを楽しみたいわ…
[TL] A hot summer...with swimsuits everywhere... Thinking about it, it's the perfect time to take pictures... *Sigh*... Is there anyone that'll invite me to the beach? I just want to have a fun and quick vacation...

Gacha 1
[JP] 暑さに負けず調整屋さんも頑張ってみるわね
[TL] The Coordinator will do her best to not give in to the heat.

Gacha 2
[JP] いいわ、深海のように深いところまで探ってあげる
[TL] Alright, we'll dive as deep as the Deep Sea.

Gacha 3
[JP] 潮騒の音…ふふっ、海に行ってきたのねぇ
[TL] The sound of waves crashing... *Chuckle* So you've been to the beach.

Gacha 4
[JP] ひと夏の思い出があなたの深層を変えたのかも…
[TL] Perhaps one of your summer memories now lies deeper...

Gacha 5
[JP] 旅行中の出会いが少し因果を変えたみたいね
[TL] It seems that an encounter during your trip has changed your fate a bit.

Gacha 6
[JP] 見えるわよ、夏の記憶と、紡いだ因果が…
[TL] I see it... The summer memories that spin together to form your fate...

Otsukimi Shopkeeper Quotes[]

Shopkeeper Quotes
Shop 1
[JP] いらっしゃい♪ 調整屋さんはお月見キャンペーン開催中よ!この機会を逃さないようにね
[TL] Welcome♪ The Coordinator's moon viewing campaign is now in session! Be sure not to miss it~.

Shop 2
[JP] あら、ちょうどいいところに。今皆でお月見団子を作ってるのよ。一緒にどう?
[TL] Oh, you came here at a good time. Right now, everyone's making moon viewing dango. Care to join us?

Shop 3
[JP] お月見パーティー急遽決まったから知らない子もいるのよね。宣伝してくれると嬉しいわ
[TL] Since we decided to have a moon viewing party on such short notice, there are some girls that don't know about it still. It'd make me happier if you could help advertise it~.

Shop 4
[JP] 今から魔女退治?そう、ならせめてお団子はおまけするはね
[TL] You have to go exterminate a Witch now? I see, then let me give you some extra dango to go at least.

Shop 8
[JP] いい朝ね。今夜は雲ひとつない、星空になりそう。せっかくのお月見だから、お日様も頑張ったのかしら。…やだ〜 柄にもなくメルヘンね
[TL] What a nice morning~. Looks like the sky will be filled with stars instead of clouds tonight. Perhaps because the moon viewing festival is later, the Sun tried extra hard today. ...As if~. That just sounds like something from a fairy tale.

Shop 9
[JP] やた!綺麗に卵が割れたわ!でも、夜空に浮かぶ月をモチーフにするなら、白身は黒い方がいいわよね?よーし、加熱加熱!
[TL] Yay, I was able to cleanly crack an egg! But if this is supposed to be a motif for the moon in the night sky, it should be fine to make the egg whites black, right? Alright, time to turn up the heat!

Shop 10
[JP] そろそろ月が見えてくるはず。あぁ!あったわ〜 綺麗な満月!ウサギさんもいるわねぇ〜 …やだ、本気でいるとは、思ってないわよ
[TL] The moon should be visible any second now... Ah, there it is! What a beautiful full moon! You can see the rabbit on it, too~. ...Oh, no, I don't actually believe in all that.

Shop 11
[JP] 疲れよが更けたわね。そうだ、せっかくだし、お外で月を見ながらの調整はどう?リラックスできて、成功率も上がる気がするわ
[TL] I'm starting to get REALLY tired as the night goes on... Oh, how about I adjust you outside while moon viewing this time? We'll be able to relax more, so the adjustment might be more successful.

Shop 12
[JP] お月見の準備以外等大変なのよね。 でも今年はミィが一緒にお月見団子を作ってくれたの、心配だからって。 うふふ、いい子よね
[TL] Preparing for the moon viewing festival sure is tough. But this year, since Mii was worried, we made moon viewing dango together. *Chuckle* She's a sweet girl.

Gacha 1
[JP] ふふ、お月様のイメージで心がいっばいね
[TL] ...*Chuckle* Your heart is full of images of the moon.

Gacha 2
[JP] お団子パワーで頑張っちゃあっかしら
[TL] Perhaps the power of dango will help me do my best.

Gacha 3
[JP] 月明りのように優しい魔力を帯びてるわね
[TL] Your magic is as gentle as the moonlight.

Gacha 4
[JP] 感じるわ、一緒にを見たい人がいるのね
[TL] I can sense that there are people you want to go moon viewing with.

Gacha 5
[JP] これは…!俗にいう十五夜の奇跡…!
[TL] This must be what's called...the miracle of the 15th night's full moon!

Gacha 6
[JP] 強い因果ね…同じ時、同じ月を見た影響かしら…
[TL] What a strong fate you have... Perhaps it's because you saw this same moon at the same time as before...
