Magia Record English Wiki
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|id = 1108
| id = 1108
| Japanese Self introduction = ノース、サウス、イースト、ウェスト。寒さに凍える人がいろんなところにいる。それならアリナがウワサどうりに温めてあげるワケ。こうして着込んだ立派なトナカイの毛皮で。だけど覚悟しておいてヨネ?その代わりに頂くのはあなたのライフタイムだから…ウフフ!
| Japanese Self introduction = ノース、サウス、イースト、ウェスト。寒さに凍える人がいろんなところにいる。それならアリナがウワサどうりに温めてあげるワケ。こうして着込んだ立派なトナカイの毛皮で。だけど覚悟しておいてヨネ?その代わりに頂くのはあなたのライフタイムだから…ウフフ!
| Self introduction = North, south, east, west; There's people everywhere shivering from the cold weather. So Alina will go and warm them up, just as the Rumor goes, with this great reindeer fur I'm wearing. But you better brace yourself, because I will be taking some of your lifespan in exchange... Ufufu!
| Self introduction = North, south, east, west; There's people everywhere shivering from the cold weather. So Alina will go and warm them up, just as the Rumor goes, with this great reindeer fur I'm wearing. But you better brace yourself, because I will be taking some of your lifespan in exchange... Ufufu!
| NA Self introduction =
| Japanese Gacha introduction = アリナは自分の美を実現する為に専用のウワサを着込んだワケ。だからドントウォーリー。静かにその時がくるのを待っててヨネ。
| Gacha introduction = Alina's wearing my very own Rumor to achieve the beauty I envisioned. So don't worry. Be quiet and wait for your time.
| NA Gacha introduction =
| Japanese Chapter end 1 = アリナのテーマ、少し見えた気がしたよネ?
| Chapter end 1 = I think I see my theme a little.
| NA Chapter end 1 =
| Japanese Chapter end 2 = 人間が繰り返して行き着く共通のリミット…
| Chapter end 2 = The common limit that humans hit time and time again...
| NA Chapter end 2 =
| Japanese Chapter end 3 = アッハハハ!間違ってなかった!アリナのビジョンは全て!
| Chapter end 3 = Ahahaha! It was correct! Alina's vision, in its entirety!
| NA Chapter end 3 =
| Japanese Chapter select 1 = ほら!アリナが温めてアゲル!
| Chapter select 1 = Here! Alina will warm you up!
| NA Chapter select 1 =
| Japanese Chapter select 2 = アハハ!アリナはアリナの美を見つけた!
| Chapter select 2 = Ahaha! Alina found my own sense of beauty!
| NA Chapter select 2 =
| Japanese Chapter select 3 = ラストアートワークはきっと一瞬になるよネ
| Chapter select 3 = The last artwork will probably only last a split second
| NA Chapter select 3 =
| Japanese Chapter select 4 = 今回はサンタ型のインストーレーションなワケ
| Chapter select 4 = The installation is Santa-shaped this time
| NA Chapter select 4 =
| Japanese Chapter select 5 = フールガールのスチューピッドコミックが…
| Chapter select 5 = Fool Girl's stupid comic...
| NA Chapter select 5 =
| Japanese Chapter select 6 = アリナも人間だからこの美を追い求めた…
| Chapter select 6 = Alina is human too; that's why I pursued this beauty...
| NA Chapter select 6 =
| Japanese Unused 1 = ちょっとアリナも世界を変えてみようかな?
| Unused 1 = Maybe Alina should change the world too?
| NA Unused 1 =
| Japanese Strengthening complete = はぁぁ~アリナと一緒にもう一つの魔力が熱を持ってる…
| Japanese Strengthening complete = はぁぁ~アリナと一緒にもう一つの魔力が熱を持ってる…
| Strengthening complete = Haaa... I can feel the warmth of another magical power with mine...
| Strengthening complete = Haaa... I can feel the warmth of another magical power with mine...
| NA Strengthening complete =
| Japanese Strengthening max = さっ、満たされた分だけ暖めてあげる。その代償はもらうケド。
| Japanese Strengthening max = さっ、満たされた分だけ暖めてあげる。その代償はもらうケド。
| Strengthening max = There, I'll warm you up for the amount you've filled up. You'll pay the though.
| Strengthening max = There, I'll warm you up for the amount you've filled up. You'll pay the though.
| NA Strengthening max =
| Japanese Episode lvl up = アリナの美の本質が見える?ほらぁ~しっかり見て。もっと!もっと!
| Japanese Episode lvl up = アリナの美の本質が見える?ほらぁ~しっかり見て。もっと!もっと!
| Episode lvl up = You can see the true meaning of Alina's beauty? Here, look at it deeply. More, more!
| Episode lvl up = You can see the true meaning of Alina's beauty? Here, look at it deeply. More, more!
| NA Episode lvl up =
| Japanese Magical release 1 = そっ!この衣装のモチーフはトナカイなワケ。凍えている人に温もりを与えるのが目的なんだから、別に着込んでてもノープロブレムだヨネ!
| Japanese Magical release 1 = そっ!この衣装のモチーフはトナカイなワケ。凍えている人に温もりを与えるのが目的なんだから、別に着込んでてもノープロブレムだヨネ!
| Magical release 1 = Yes, the motif for this costume is the reindeer. It's purpose is to give warmth, so there's no problem wearing it!
| Magical release 1 = Yes, the motif for this costume is the reindeer. It's purpose is to give warmth, so there's no problem wearing it!
| NA Magical release 1 =
| Japanese Magical release 2 = 周りを漂うデスマスクは自分のライフタイムを代償に寒さから逃げ出した人のもの。つまり、生命のシンボルなワケ。オーケー?
| Japanese Magical release 2 = 周りを漂うデスマスクは自分のライフタイムを代償に寒さから逃げ出した人のもの。つまり、生命のシンボルなワケ。オーケー?
| Magical release 2 = The death masks floating around me are those of the people who ran from the cold sacrificing their life span. In other words, it's the symbol of life. Okay?
| Magical release 2 = The death masks floating around me are those of the people who ran from the cold sacrificing their life span. In other words, it's the symbol of life. Okay?
| NA Magical release 2 =
| Japanese Magical release 3 = アッハハ!すべてを知ったあなたからも冷たさを感じるワケ!だからアリナが温めてあげる。その代わりに、プリーズ?もう分かってるよね?
| Japanese Magical release 3 = アッハハ!すべてを知ったあなたからも冷たさを感じるワケ!だからアリナが温めてあげる。その代わりに、プリーズ?もう分かってるよね?
| Magical release 3 = Ahaha! I feel coldness from within you now that you know anything! So Alina will warm you up. Payment please? You already know what it is, don't you?
| Magical release 3 = Ahaha! I feel coldness from within you now that you know anything! So Alina will warm you up. Payment please? You already know what it is, don't you?
| NA Magical release 3 =
| Japanese Magia lvl up = またアリナの中で一つはじけたぁ…今まで以上の快感と一緒に…
| Japanese Magia lvl up = またアリナの中で一つはじけたぁ…今まで以上の快感と一緒に…
| Magia lvl up = I felt another one "pop" inside Alina again... with a greater ecstasy than ever...
| Magia lvl up = I felt another one "pop" inside Alina again... with a greater ecstasy than ever...
| NA Magia lvl up =
| Japanese Awaken 1 = この姿はアリナにとってのアンサーなんだカラ。馴染んで当然なワケ!
| Japanese Awaken 1 = この姿はアリナにとってのアンサーなんだカラ。馴染んで当然なワケ!
| Awaken 1 = This form is Alina's "answer". Of course it adapts to me!
| Awaken 1 = This form is Alina's "answer". Of course it adapts to me!
| NA Awaken 1 =
| Japanese Awaken 2 = アリナのウワサはねむがメイクしたんだけど、アリナにとっても子供みたいなものなワケ。一緒に成長するのを喜ばないはずがないヨネ?
| Japanese Awaken 2 = アリナのウワサはねむがメイクしたんだけど、アリナにとっても子供みたいなものなワケ。一緒に成長するのを喜ばないはずがないヨネ?
| Awaken 2 = Nemu made Alina's rumor, but it's like a child for Alina too. It isn't unnatural for me celebrate our growth together, is it?
| Awaken 2 = Nemu made Alina's rumor, but it's like a child for Alina too. It isn't unnatural for me celebrate our growth together, is it?
| NA Awaken 2 =
| Japanese Awaken 3 = はあぁ、キタ…!皮膚から骨まで、細胞一つ一つにウワサが溶けていった…!アハッ…!ハッ、アハハハハ!ウワサと共鳴してコントロールできるこの感覚、マミにはわかんないヨネ!
| Japanese Awaken 3 = はあぁ、キタ…!皮膚から骨まで、細胞一つ一つにウワサが溶けていった…!アハッ…!ハッ、アハハハハ!ウワサと共鳴してコントロールできるこの感覚、マミにはわかんないヨネ!
| Awaken 3 = Haa, it's coming...! The Rumor dissolved into each of my cells, from the skin to the bone...! Aha...! Ha, ahahahaha! This feeling of resonating with the rumor and controlling it... something Mami wouldn't know!
| Awaken 3 = Haa, it's coming...! The Rumor dissolved into each of my cells, from the skin to the bone...! Aha...! Ha, ahahahaha! This feeling of resonating with the rumor and controlling it... something Mami wouldn't know!
| NA Awaken 3 =
| Japanese Unused 2 = はあぁ…!また少し結びつきが強くなった気がする…ホントニューステージを超えて天国に上ったような最高の心地だよネ…!一緒にベストアートを見せるまで、絶対にデリートなんてさせないカラ!
| Japanese Unused 2 = はあぁ…!また少し結びつきが強くなった気がする…ホントニューステージを超えて天国に上ったような最高の心地だよネ…!一緒にベストアートを見せるまで、絶対にデリートなんてさせないカラ!
| Unused 2 = Haa...! I think the bond just got a little stronger again... It feels amazing, as if I've surpassed the "new stage" and rose up to heaven...! Until I can reveal the best art, I'll never let anybody delete this!
| Unused 2 = Haa...! I think the bond just got a little stronger again... It feels amazing, as if I've surpassed the "new stage" and rose up to heaven...! Until I can reveal the best art, I'll never let anybody delete this!
| NA Unused 2 =
| Japanese First login of the day = アリナの所にきたって別になにもないんですケド。今は別に誰かを暖めるムードでもないから、どっか行ってよね。バイバーイ!
| Japanese First login of the day = アリナの所にきたって別になにもないんですケド。今は別に誰かを暖めるムードでもないから、どっか行ってよね。バイバーイ!
| First login of the day = Coming to Alina won't get you anything. I'm not really in the mood to warm anybody right now, so go away. Byebye!
| First login of the day = Coming to Alina won't get you anything. I'm not really in the mood to warm anybody right now, so go away. Byebye!
| NA First login of the day =
| Japanese Morning = うわああああ!朝日が目に!目にぃぃぃ!早くカーテンを閉めてほしいんですケド!アリナはまだ寝たいんですケド!
| Japanese Morning = うわああああ!朝日が目に!目にぃぃぃ!早くカーテンを閉めてほしいんですケド!アリナはまだ寝たいんですケド!
| Morning = Ahhhhh! The morning rays in my eyes! My eyes! Hurry up and close the curtains! Alina still wants to be asleep!
| Morning = Ahhhhh! The morning rays in my eyes! My eyes! Hurry up and close the curtains! Alina still wants to be asleep!
| NA Morning =
| Japanese Noon = アハッ!こんなイブニングでもアリナのアンテナは凍えてる人を感じ取ってる。あんまり眠くないし…ちょっと探ってみるのもアリかも。
| Japanese Noon = アハッ!こんなイブニングでもアリナのアンテナは凍えてる人を感じ取ってる。あんまり眠くないし…ちょっと探ってみるのもアリかも。
| Noon = Haha! Even in the evening Alina's antenna can still sense the chilled people. I'm not that sleepy... I could spend some time searching.
| Noon = Haha! Even in the evening Alina's antenna can still sense the chilled people. I'm not that sleepy... I could spend some time searching.
| NA Noon =
| Japanese Evening = シッシッ!どこかいってよね~。いつもは夜中に作業をするけどウワサのせいで寝ちゃうから、今はアートに集中したいワケ。
| Japanese Evening = シッシッ!どこかいってよね~。いつもは夜中に作業をするけどウワサのせいで寝ちゃうから、今はアートに集中したいワケ。
| Evening = Shoo, shoo! Go away. I usually get work done in the night, but since the Rumor puts me to sleep, I want to focus on art now.
| Evening = Shoo, shoo! Go away. I usually get work done in the night, but since the Rumor puts me to sleep, I want to focus on art now.
| NA Evening =
| Japanese Night = 夜行性のアリナもトナカイのウワサには抗えないワケ…ふわぁぁ…何見てるワケ?アリナもう寝るから…グッナーイ…
| Japanese Night = 夜行性のアリナもトナカイのウワサには抗えないワケ…ふわぁぁ…何見てるワケ?アリナもう寝るから…グッナーイ…
| Night = Even Alina, a night person, can't fight the reindeer Rumor... Yawn... What are you looking at? Alina's going to sleep... Good night...
| Night = Even Alina, a night person, can't fight the reindeer Rumor... Yawn... What are you looking at? Alina's going to sleep... Good night...
| NA Night =
| Japanese Other times = 別に一日中こんな格好してるワケないんですケド。自分の姿くらいアリナにもコントロールできるワケ。じゃないと少し獣臭くなりそうだし。
| Japanese Other times = 別に一日中こんな格好してるワケないんですケド。自分の姿くらいアリナにもコントロールできるワケ。じゃないと少し獣臭くなりそうだし。
| Other times = It's not like I'm in costume all day or anything. Alina can at least control my appearance. If I couldn't, the smell of the beast's fur might rub off on me.
| Other times = It's not like I'm in costume all day or anything. Alina can at least control my appearance. If I couldn't, the smell of the beast's fur might rub off on me.
| NA Other times =
| Japanese AP full = 魔女がブリリアントに見えるのはベストアートを生み出す存在だから。だからアリナはもっと魔女の餌を集めないといけないワケ。
| Japanese AP full = 魔女がブリリアントに見えるのはベストアートを生み出す存在だから。だからアリナはもっと魔女の餌を集めないといけないワケ。
| AP full = The reason witches look so brilliant is because they produce the best art. So Alina must collect more food for them.
| AP full = The reason witches look so brilliant is because they produce the best art. So Alina must collect more food for them.
| NA AP full =
| Japanese BP full = コピーのアリナと戦って命がパーフェクトに燃え尽きてもしらないカラ。まっ!消し炭は拾ってリサイクルしてあげてもいいケド。
| Japanese BP full = コピーのアリナと戦って命がパーフェクトに燃え尽きてもしらないカラ。まっ!消し炭は拾ってリサイクルしてあげてもいいケド。
| BP full = I don't mind if your life burns out fighting a copy of Alina. Well, I don't mind picking up what's left of you and recycling it.
| BP full = I don't mind if your life burns out fighting a copy of Alina. Well, I don't mind picking up what's left of you and recycling it.
| NA BP full =
| Japanese Unused 3 = 人間も魔法少女も、どうして争いをやめられないか知ってる?それは誰も知らないはずがないワケ。アリナも他の人も、生まれた時から…
| Japanese Unused 3 = 人間も魔法少女も、どうして争いをやめられないか知ってる?それは誰も知らないはずがないワケ。アリナも他の人も、生まれた時から…
| Unused 3 = Do you know why nobody, humans and magical girls, can stop fighting? There's no reason that anybody doesn't know. Alina and everybody else knows, ever since we were born...
| Unused 3 = Do you know why nobody, humans and magical girls, can stop fighting? There's no reason that anybody doesn't know. Alina and everybody else knows, ever since we were born...
| NA Unused 3 =
| Japanese Tap 1 = はぁぁ…モヤモヤが晴れて凄くフレッシュな気分。幼い頃からアリナが目指そうとしているものが分かった。あとは作るだけだよねぇ…
| Japanese Tap 1 = はぁぁ…モヤモヤが晴れて凄くフレッシュな気分。幼い頃からアリナが目指そうとしているものが分かった。あとは作るだけだよねぇ…
| Tap 1 = Haa... I feel so refreshed, like a fog has cleared. I finally understand what Alina's been chasing after since I was little. Now I just have to build it...
| Tap 1 = Haa... I feel so refreshed, like a fog has cleared. I finally understand what Alina's been chasing after since I was little. Now I just have to build it...
| NA Tap 1 =
| Japanese Tap 2 = 絶叫羅漢、生きるモノクロ、死者蘇生シリーズ…アリナが作ってきた生と死はノットミステイクだった。みんなにも考えてほしいヨネ…
| Japanese Tap 2 = 絶叫羅漢、生きるモノクロ、死者蘇生シリーズ…アリナが作ってきた生と死はノットミステイクだった。みんなにも考えてほしいヨネ…
| Tap 2 = The Screaming Arhat (Enlightened Buddhist monk), The Living Monochrome, The Dead Resurrected Series... The life and death Alina has made were not a mistake. That's something that I want everybody to think about.
| Tap 2 = The Screaming Arhat (Enlightened Buddhist monk), The Living Monochrome, The Dead Resurrected Series... The life and death Alina has made were not a mistake. That's something that I want everybody to think about.
| NA Tap 2 =
| Japanese Tap 3 = 何みてるワケ。この衣装はアリナ専用だから。あげるワケにはいかないんですケド。悪いけど自分で注文して作ってヨネ。
| Japanese Tap 3 = 何みてるワケ。この衣装はアリナ専用だから。あげるワケにはいかないんですケド。悪いけど自分で注文して作ってヨネ。
| Tap 3 = What are you looking at. This costume is only for Alina; I'm not going to let anybody have it. Have someone else make one for you if you don't mind.
| Tap 3 = What are you looking at. This costume is only for Alina; I'm not going to let anybody have it. Have someone else make one for you if you don't mind.
| NA Tap 3 =
| Japanese Tap 4 = アリナが作ったインスタレーション参加してくれたヨネ?あれ無題だったけど最終日にタイトルをつけたワケ。「人類の報酬」って
| Japanese Tap 4 = アリナが作ったインスタレーション参加してくれたヨネ?あれ無題だったけど最終日にタイトルをつけたワケ。「人類の報酬」って
| Tap 4 = You were there for the installation Alina had, right? I didn't title it at first, but I gave it one on the last day. "The Reward for Humanity".
| Tap 4 = You were there for the installation Alina had, right? I didn't title it at first, but I gave it one on the last day. "The Reward for Humanity".
| NA Tap 4 =
| Japanese Tap 5 = みふゆの感想は役に立たなかったけど、灯花とかねむと違って庶民感を出してくる所がキュートでいいヨネ!
| Japanese Tap 5 = みふゆの感想は役に立たなかったけど、灯花とかねむと違って庶民感を出してくる所がキュートでいいヨネ!
| Tap 5 = Mifuyu's comments are useless, but the fact that they're normal compard to those of Touka and Nemu makes it cute; I like it!
| Tap 5 = Mifuyu's comments are useless, but the fact that they're normal compard to those of Touka and Nemu makes it cute; I like it!
| NA Tap 5 =
| Japanese Tap 6 = 人の集合的無意識の中に存在するもの…それがアリナの美の根源。だからアリナがクリエイトするものは人をエキサイトさせたんだよね。
| Japanese Tap 6 = 人の集合的無意識の中に存在するもの…それがアリナの美の根源。だからアリナがクリエイトするものは人をエキサイトさせたんだよね。
| Tap 6 = The thing that exists in the collective unconcious of poeple... that's the source of Alina's sense of beauty. So whatever Alina creates wants to make people excited.
| Tap 6 = The thing that exists in the collective unconcious of poeple... that's the source of Alina's sense of beauty. So whatever Alina creates wants to make people excited.
| NA Tap 6 =
| Japanese Tap 7 = 本当アリナにとってもアメイジングだよね!まさかフールガールの漫画からインスピレーションをうけるなんて思わなかったカラ!
| Japanese Tap 7 = 本当アリナにとってもアメイジングだよね!まさかフールガールの漫画からインスピレーションをうけるなんて思わなかったカラ!
| Tap 7 = This is amazing, even for Alina! I didn't expect to get inspired by Fool Girl's manga!
| Tap 7 = This is amazing, even for Alina! I didn't expect to get inspired by Fool Girl's manga!
| NA Tap 7 =
| Japanese Tap 8 = ふっ…どっかの審査員が世界を変える気がないなら作るのをやめろなんて言ってたけど…変える気になっちゃったヨネぇ…
| Japanese Tap 8 = ふっ…どっかの審査員が世界を変える気がないなら作るのをやめろなんて言ってたけど…変える気になっちゃったヨネぇ…
| Tap 8 = Huh... Some judge said "stop creating if you don't mean to change the world"... but I do want to change the world...
| Tap 8 = Huh... Some judge said "stop creating if you don't mean to change the world"... but I do want to change the world...
| NA Tap 8 =
| Japanese Tap 9 = ちょっと!毛皮だからって羨ましそうに見ないでよね。それにこれあんまり着心地は良くないカラ。内臓とかそのままになってるし
| Japanese Tap 9 = ちょっと!毛皮だからって羨ましそうに見ないでよね。それにこれあんまり着心地は良くないカラ。内臓とかそのままになってるし
| Tap 9 = Hey! Don't get jealous just because I'm wearing fur. In fact, this isn't even comfortable to wear. The inner organs are still there.
| Tap 9 = Hey! Don't get jealous just because I'm wearing fur. In fact, this isn't even comfortable to wear. The inner organs are still there.
| NA Tap 9 =
| Japanese Battle start = アリナが包んであげる!アハハハハハ!
| Japanese Battle start = アリナが包んであげる!アハハハハハ!
| Battle start = Alina will cover you! Ahahahah!
| Battle start = Alina will cover you! Ahahahah!
| NA Battle start =
| Japanese Battle victory 1 = 変わりにライフタイムは頂いたカラ
| Japanese Battle victory 1 = 変わりにライフタイムは頂いたカラ
| Battle victory 1 = I've taken your lifespan as a reward.
| Battle victory 1 = I've taken your lifespan as a reward.
| NA Battle victory 1 =
| Japanese Battle victory 2 = はぁ…想像しただけでゾックゾクする…
| Japanese Battle victory 2 = はぁ…想像しただけでゾックゾクする…
| Battle victory 2 = Hah... Just imagining makes me excited...
| Battle victory 2 = Hah... Just imagining makes me excited...
| NA Battle victory 2 =
| Japanese Battle victory 3 = ベストアートの為にいつか全てを包み込むカラ
| Japanese Battle victory 3 = ベストアートの為にいつか全てを包み込むカラ
| Battle victory 3 = One day, I'll wrap everything up for the best art...
| Battle victory 3 = One day, I'll wrap everything up for the best art...
| NA Battle victory 3 =
| Japanese Unused 5 = 想像してほしいんだよね、滅びた世界を!
| Japanese Unused 5 = 想像してほしいんだよね、滅びた世界を!
| Unused 5 = I want you to imagine, a destroyed world!
| Unused 5 = I want you to imagine, a destroyed world!
| NA Unused 5 =
| Japanese Chapter select 1 = ほら!アリナが温めてアゲル!
| Chapter select 1 = Here! Alina will warm you up!
| Japanese Chapter select 2 = アハハ!アリナはアリナの美を見つけた!
| Chapter select 2 = Ahaha! Alina found my own sense of beauty!
| Japanese Chapter select 3 = ラストアートワークはきっと一瞬になるよネ
| Chapter select 3 = The last artwork will probably only last a split second
| Japanese Chapter select 4 = 今回はサンタ型のインストーレーションなワケ
| Chapter select 4 = The installation is Santa-shaped this time
| Japanese Chapter select 5 = フールガールのスチューピッドコミックが…
| Chapter select 5 = Fool Girl's stupid comic...
| Japanese Chapter select 6 = アリナも人間だからこの美を追い求めた…
| Chapter select 6 = Alina is human too; that's why I pursued this beauty...
| Japanese Unused 1 = ちょっとアリナも世界を変えてみようかな?
| Unused 1 = Maybe Alina should change the world too?
| Japanese Chapter end 1 = アリナのテーマ、少し見えた気がしたよネ?
| Chapter end 1 = I think I see my theme a little.
| Japanese Chapter end 2 = 人間が繰り返して行き着く共通のリミット…
| Chapter end 2 = The common limit that humans hit time and time again...
| Japanese Chapter end 3 = アッハハハ!間違ってなかった!アリナのビジョンは全て!
| Chapter end 3 = Ahahaha! It was correct! Alina's vision, in its entirety!
| Japanese Disc select 1 = はいはい
| Japanese Disc select 1 = はいはい
| Disc select 1 = Alright, alright.
| Disc select 1 = Alright, alright.
| NA Disc select 1 =
| Japanese Disc select 2 = いいけど
| Japanese Disc select 2 = いいけど
| Disc select 2 = Sure.
| Disc select 2 = Sure.
| NA Disc select 2 =
| Japanese Disc select 3 = はぁ?
| Japanese Disc select 3 = はぁ?
| Disc select 3 = What?
| Disc select 3 = What?
| NA Disc select 3 =
| Japanese Disc select 4 = 決めた
| Japanese Disc select 4 = 決めた
| Disc select 4 = I've decided.
| Disc select 4 = I've decided.
| NA Disc select 4 =
| Japanese Connect to self from ally disc select = しょうがないな~
| Connect to self from ally disc select = Fine.
| Japanese Connect from self to ally disc select = 譲ってあげる
| Japanese Connect from self to ally disc select = 譲ってあげる
| Connect from self to ally disc select = I'll let you have it.
| Connect from self to ally disc select = I'll let you have it.
| NA Connect from self to ally disc select =
| Japanese Connect to self from ally disc select = しょうがないな~
| Connect to self from ally disc select = Fine.
| NA Connect to self from ally disc select =
| Japanese Attack 1 = アリナが溶かすから!
| Japanese Attack 1 = アリナが溶かすから!
| Attack 1 = Alina will thaw you!
| Attack 1 = Alina will thaw you!
| NA Attack 1 =
| Japanese Attack 2 = パトロンにしてあげる
| Japanese Attack 2 = パトロンにしてあげる
| Attack 2 = I'll let you be my patron
| Attack 2 = I'll let you be my patron
| NA Attack 2 =
| Japanese Attack 3 = ドントストップメイキング!
| Japanese Attack 3 = ドントストップメイキング!
| Attack 3 = Don't stop making!
| Attack 3 = Don't stop making!
| NA Attack 3 =
| Japanese Attack 4 = どいて!
| Japanese Attack 4 = どいて!
| Attack 4 = Out of my way!
| Attack 4 = Out of my way!
| NA Attack 4 =
| Japanese Attack 5 = さよなら
| Japanese Attack 5 = さよなら
| Attack 5 = Goodbye.
| Attack 5 = Goodbye.
| NA Attack 5 =
| Japanese Attack 6 = メンドクサ
| Japanese Attack 6 = メンドクサ
| Attack 6 = This is tedious.
| Attack 6 = This is tedious.
| NA Attack 6 =
| Japanese Attack 7 = もっと!
| Japanese Attack 7 = もっと!
| Attack 7 = More!
| Attack 7 = More!
| NA Attack 7 =
| Japanese Attack 8 = モアモア!
| Japanese Attack 8 = モアモア!
| Attack 8 = More, more!
| Attack 8 = More, more!
| NA Attack 8 =
| Japanese Attack 9 = 包み込む!
| Japanese Attack 9 = 包み込む!
| Attack 9 = Wrapping it up!
| Attack 9 = Wrapping it up!
| NA Attack 9 =
| Japanese Attack 10 = プリーズ!
| Japanese Attack 10 = プリーズ!
| Attack 10 = Please!
| Attack 10 = Please!
| NA Attack 10 =
| Japanese Connect to self from ally Attack = アリナが食べるから!
| Connect to self from ally Attack = Alina will eat it!
| Japanese Connect from self to ally = ほらさっさといってヨネ!
| Connect from self to ally = Here, go on alrady!
| Japanese Magia 1 = アリナの美は人類の美!
| Japanese Magia 1 = アリナの美は人類の美!
| Magia 1 = Alina's beauty is the beauty of mankind!
| Magia 1 = Alina's beauty is the beauty of mankind!
| NA Magia 1 =
| Japanese Magia 2 = プリーズライフタイム!
| Japanese Magia 2 = プリーズライフタイム!
| Magia 2 = Lifetime, please!
| Magia 2 = Lifetime, please!
| NA Magia 2 =
| Japanese Magia 3 = もっともっとアリナの中に!
| Japanese Magia 3 = もっともっとアリナの中に!
| Magia 3 = More and more inside Alina!
| Magia 3 = More and more inside Alina!
| NA Magia 3 =
| Japanese Magia 4 = また一つ近づいちゃった…
| Japanese Magia 4 = また一つ近づいちゃった…
| Magia 4 = Another step closer...
| Magia 4 = Another step closer...
| NA Magia 4 =
| Japanese Doppel = 地平線が見える…
| Japanese Doppel = 地平線が見える…
| Doppel = I can see the horizon...
| Doppel = I can see the horizon...
| Japanese Taking damage =
| NA Doppel =
| Japanese Connect from self to ally = ほらさっさといってヨネ!
| Taking damage =
| Connect from self to ally = Here, go on alrady!
| Japanese Taking damage while at critical health =
| Taking damage while at critical health =
| NA Connect from self to ally =
| Japanese Dying = 人類の美
| Japanese Connect to self from ally Attack = アリナ食べるから!
| Connect to self from ally Attack = Alina will eat it!
| Dying = The beauty of mankind...
| NA Connect to self from ally Attack =
| Japanese Gacha introduction = アリナは自分の美を実現する為に専用のウワサを着込んだワケ。だからドントウォーリー。静かにその時がくるのを待っててヨネ。
| Gacha introduction = Alina's wearing my very own Rumor to achieve the beauty I envisioned. So don't worry. Be quiet and wait for your time.
| Japanese Random 1 = まいっか
| Japanese Random 1 = まいっか
| Random 1 = Whatever.
| Random 1 = Whatever.
| NA Random 1 =
| Japanese Random 2 = 動けば?
| Japanese Random 2 = 動けば?
| Random 2 = Why don't you make a move?
| Random 2 = Why don't you make a move?
| NA Random 2 =
| Japanese Random 3 = むかつくよネ
| Japanese Random 3 = むかつくよネ
| Random 3 = It's annoying, isn't it?
| Random 3 = It's annoying, isn't it?
| NA Random 3 =
| Japanese Taking damage =
| Taking damage =
| NA Taking damage =
| Japanese Taking damage while at critical health =
| Taking damage while at critical health =
| NA Taking damage while at critical health =
| Japanese Dying = 人類の美が…
| Dying = The beauty of mankind...
| NA Dying =

Revision as of 14:24, 15 December 2019

Magical Girl

自己紹介⓵ - Self Introduction 1
[JP] ノース、サウス、イースト、ウェスト。寒さに凍える人がいろんなところにいる。それならアリナがウワサどうりに温めてあげるワケ。こうして着込んだ立派なトナカイの毛皮で。だけど覚悟しておいてヨネ?その代わりに頂くのはあなたのライフタイムだから…ウフフ!
[TL] North, south, east, west; There's people everywhere shivering from the cold weather. So Alina will go and warm them up, just as the Rumor goes, with this great reindeer fur I'm wearing. But you better brace yourself, because I will be taking some of your lifespan in exchange... Ufufu!

自己紹介⓶ - Self Introduction 2
[JP] アリナは自分の美を実現する為に専用のウワサを着込んだワケ。だからドントウォーリー。静かにその時がくるのを待っててヨネ。
[TL] Alina's wearing my very own Rumor to achieve the beauty I envisioned. So don't worry. Be quiet and wait for your time.

Personal Story

Story Chapter End 1
[JP] アリナのテーマ、少し見えた気がしたよネ?
[TL] I think I see my theme a little.

Story Chapter End 2
[JP] 人間が繰り返して行き着く共通のリミット…
[TL] The common limit that humans hit time and time again...

Story Chapter End 3
[JP] アッハハハ!間違ってなかった!アリナのビジョンは全て!
[TL] Ahahaha! It was correct! Alina's vision, in its entirety!

Story Select 1
[JP] ほら!アリナが温めてアゲル!
[TL] Here! Alina will warm you up!

Story Select 2
[JP] アハハ!アリナはアリナの美を見つけた!
[TL] Ahaha! Alina found my own sense of beauty!

Story Select 3
[JP] ラストアートワークはきっと一瞬になるよネ
[TL] The last artwork will probably only last a split second

Story Select 4
[JP] 今回はサンタ型のインストーレーションなワケ
[TL] The installation is Santa-shaped this time

Story Select 5
[JP] フールガールのスチューピッドコミックが…
[TL] Fool Girl's stupid comic...

Story Select 6
[JP] アリナも人間だからこの美を追い求めた…
[TL] Alina is human too; that's why I pursued this beauty...

Unused 1
[JP] ちょっとアリナも世界を変えてみようかな?
[TL] Maybe Alina should change the world too?


強化完了 - Strengthening Complete
[JP] はぁぁ~アリナと一緒にもう一つの魔力が熱を持ってる…
[TL] Haaa... I can feel the warmth of another magical power with mine...

強化(Lv最大時) - Strengthening Max
[JP] さっ、満たされた分だけ暖めてあげる。その代償はもらうケド。
[TL] There, I'll warm you up for the amount you've filled up. You'll pay the though.

エピソードLvアップ - Episode Lvl Up
[JP] アリナの美の本質が見える?ほらぁ~しっかり見て。もっと!もっと!
[TL] You can see the true meaning of Alina's beauty? Here, look at it deeply. More, more!

魔力解放 - Magical Release 1
[JP] そっ!この衣装のモチーフはトナカイなワケ。凍えている人に温もりを与えるのが目的なんだから、別に着込んでてもノープロブレムだヨネ!
[TL] Yes, the motif for this costume is the reindeer. It's purpose is to give warmth, so there's no problem wearing it!

魔力解放 - Magical Release 2
[JP] 周りを漂うデスマスクは自分のライフタイムを代償に寒さから逃げ出した人のもの。つまり、生命のシンボルなワケ。オーケー?
[TL] The death masks floating around me are those of the people who ran from the cold sacrificing their life span. In other words, it's the symbol of life. Okay?

魔力解放 - Magical Release 3
[JP] アッハハ!すべてを知ったあなたからも冷たさを感じるワケ!だからアリナが温めてあげる。その代わりに、プリーズ?もう分かってるよね?
[TL] Ahaha! I feel coldness from within you now that you know anything! So Alina will warm you up. Payment please? You already know what it is, don't you?

マギアLvアップ - Magia Lvl Up
[JP] またアリナの中で一つはじけたぁ…今まで以上の快感と一緒に…
[TL] I felt another one "pop" inside Alina again... with a greater ecstasy than ever...

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 1
[JP] この姿はアリナにとってのアンサーなんだカラ。馴染んで当然なワケ!
[TL] This form is Alina's "answer". Of course it adapts to me!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 2
[JP] アリナのウワサはねむがメイクしたんだけど、アリナにとっても子供みたいなものなワケ。一緒に成長するのを喜ばないはずがないヨネ?
[TL] Nemu made Alina's rumor, but it's like a child for Alina too. It isn't unnatural for me celebrate our growth together, is it?

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 3
[JP] はあぁ、キタ…!皮膚から骨まで、細胞一つ一つにウワサが溶けていった…!アハッ…!ハッ、アハハハハ!ウワサと共鳴してコントロールできるこの感覚、マミにはわかんないヨネ!
[TL] Haa, it's coming...! The Rumor dissolved into each of my cells, from the skin to the bone...! Aha...! Ha, ahahahaha! This feeling of resonating with the rumor and controlling it... something Mami wouldn't know!

Unused 2
[JP] はあぁ…!また少し結びつきが強くなった気がする…ホントニューステージを超えて天国に上ったような最高の心地だよネ…!一緒にベストアートを見せるまで、絶対にデリートなんてさせないカラ!
[TL] Haa...! I think the bond just got a little stronger again... It feels amazing, as if I've surpassed the "new stage" and rose up to heaven...! Until I can reveal the best art, I'll never let anybody delete this!


ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] アリナの所にきたって別になにもないんですケド。今は別に誰かを暖めるムードでもないから、どっか行ってよね。バイバーイ!
[TL] Coming to Alina won't get you anything. I'm not really in the mood to warm anybody right now, so go away. Byebye!

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] うわああああ!朝日が目に!目にぃぃぃ!早くカーテンを閉めてほしいんですケド!アリナはまだ寝たいんですケド!
[TL] Ahhhhh! The morning rays in my eyes! My eyes! Hurry up and close the curtains! Alina still wants to be asleep!

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] アハッ!こんなイブニングでもアリナのアンテナは凍えてる人を感じ取ってる。あんまり眠くないし…ちょっと探ってみるのもアリかも。
[TL] Haha! Even in the evening Alina's antenna can still sense the chilled people. I'm not that sleepy... I could spend some time searching.

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] シッシッ!どこかいってよね~。いつもは夜中に作業をするけどウワサのせいで寝ちゃうから、今はアートに集中したいワケ。
[TL] Shoo, shoo! Go away. I usually get work done in the night, but since the Rumor puts me to sleep, I want to focus on art now.

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] 夜行性のアリナもトナカイのウワサには抗えないワケ…ふわぁぁ…何見てるワケ?アリナもう寝るから…グッナーイ…
[TL] Even Alina, a night person, can't fight the reindeer Rumor... Yawn... What are you looking at? Alina's going to sleep... Good night...

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] 別に一日中こんな格好してるワケないんですケド。自分の姿くらいアリナにもコントロールできるワケ。じゃないと少し獣臭くなりそうだし。
[TL] It's not like I'm in costume all day or anything. Alina can at least control my appearance. If I couldn't, the smell of the beast's fur might rub off on me.

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] 魔女がブリリアントに見えるのはベストアートを生み出す存在だから。だからアリナはもっと魔女の餌を集めないといけないワケ。
[TL] The reason witches look so brilliant is because they produce the best art. So Alina must collect more food for them.

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] コピーのアリナと戦って命がパーフェクトに燃え尽きてもしらないカラ。まっ!消し炭は拾ってリサイクルしてあげてもいいケド。
[TL] I don't mind if your life burns out fighting a copy of Alina. Well, I don't mind picking up what's left of you and recycling it.

Unused 3
[JP] 人間も魔法少女も、どうして争いをやめられないか知ってる?それは誰も知らないはずがないワケ。アリナも他の人も、生まれた時から…
[TL] Do you know why nobody, humans and magical girls, can stop fighting? There's no reason that anybody doesn't know. Alina and everybody else knows, ever since we were born...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] はぁぁ…モヤモヤが晴れて凄くフレッシュな気分。幼い頃からアリナが目指そうとしているものが分かった。あとは作るだけだよねぇ…
[TL] Haa... I feel so refreshed, like a fog has cleared. I finally understand what Alina's been chasing after since I was little. Now I just have to build it...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] 絶叫羅漢、生きるモノクロ、死者蘇生シリーズ…アリナが作ってきた生と死はノットミステイクだった。みんなにも考えてほしいヨネ…
[TL] The Screaming Arhat (Enlightened Buddhist monk), The Living Monochrome, The Dead Resurrected Series... The life and death Alina has made were not a mistake. That's something that I want everybody to think about.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] 何みてるワケ。この衣装はアリナ専用だから。あげるワケにはいかないんですケド。悪いけど自分で注文して作ってヨネ。
[TL] What are you looking at. This costume is only for Alina; I'm not going to let anybody have it. Have someone else make one for you if you don't mind.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] アリナが作ったインスタレーション参加してくれたヨネ?あれ無題だったけど最終日にタイトルをつけたワケ。「人類の報酬」って
[TL] You were there for the installation Alina had, right? I didn't title it at first, but I gave it one on the last day. "The Reward for Humanity".

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] みふゆの感想は役に立たなかったけど、灯花とかねむと違って庶民感を出してくる所がキュートでいいヨネ!
[TL] Mifuyu's comments are useless, but the fact that they're normal compard to those of Touka and Nemu makes it cute; I like it!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] 人の集合的無意識の中に存在するもの…それがアリナの美の根源。だからアリナがクリエイトするものは人をエキサイトさせたんだよね。
[TL] The thing that exists in the collective unconcious of poeple... that's the source of Alina's sense of beauty. So whatever Alina creates wants to make people excited.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] 本当アリナにとってもアメイジングだよね!まさかフールガールの漫画からインスピレーションをうけるなんて思わなかったカラ!
[TL] This is amazing, even for Alina! I didn't expect to get inspired by Fool Girl's manga!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] ふっ…どっかの審査員が世界を変える気がないなら作るのをやめろなんて言ってたけど…変える気になっちゃったヨネぇ…
[TL] Huh... Some judge said "stop creating if you don't mean to change the world"... but I do want to change the world...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] ちょっと!毛皮だからって羨ましそうに見ないでよね。それにこれあんまり着心地は良くないカラ。内臓とかそのままになってるし
[TL] Hey! Don't get jealous just because I'm wearing fur. In fact, this isn't even comfortable to wear. The inner organs are still there.


クエスト開始 - Battle Start
[JP] アリナが包んであげる!アハハハハハ!
[TL] Alina will cover you! Ahahahah!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 1
[JP] 変わりにライフタイムは頂いたカラ
[TL] I've taken your lifespan as a reward.

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 2
[JP] はぁ…想像しただけでゾックゾクする…
[TL] Hah... Just imagining makes me excited...

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 3
[JP] ベストアートの為にいつか全てを包み込むカラ
[TL] One day, I'll wrap everything up for the best art...

Unused 5
[JP] 想像してほしいんだよね、滅びた世界を!
[TL] I want you to imagine, a destroyed world!


Disc Select 1
[JP] はいはい
[TL] Alright, alright.

Disc Select 2
[JP] いいけど
[TL] Sure.

Disc Select 3
[JP] はぁ?
[TL] What?

Disc Select 4
[JP] 決めた
[TL] I've decided.

Targeting Ally With Connect Disc Select
[JP] 譲ってあげる
[TL] I'll let you have it.

Targeted By Connect Disc Select From Ally
[JP] しょうがないな~
[TL] Fine.

Attack 1
[JP] アリナが溶かすから!
[TL] Alina will thaw you!

Attack 2
[JP] パトロンにしてあげる
[TL] I'll let you be my patron

Attack 3
[JP] ドントストップメイキング!
[TL] Don't stop making!

Attack 4
[JP] どいて!
[TL] Out of my way!

Attack 5
[JP] さよなら
[TL] Goodbye.

Attack 6
[JP] メンドクサ
[TL] This is tedious.

Attack 7
[JP] もっと!
[TL] More!

Attack 8
[JP] モアモア!
[TL] More, more!

Attack 9
[JP] 包み込む!
[TL] Wrapping it up!

Attack 10
[JP] プリーズ!
[TL] Please!

Magia (1) (Note: The lines used in the game varies; they are normally a mix of Magia and Attack voice lines.)
[JP] アリナの美は人類の美!
[TL] Alina's beauty is the beauty of mankind!
Magia (2)
[JP] プリーズライフタイム!
[TL] Lifetime, please!
Magia (3)
[JP] もっともっとアリナの中に!
[TL] More and more inside Alina!
Magia (4)
[JP] また一つ近づいちゃった…
[TL] Another step closer...
Doppel (Note: While most characters have Doppel sounds, this does not imply a release of the character's Doppel any time in the foreseeable future)
[JP] 地平線が見える…
[TL] I can see the horizon...
Giving Connect Attack To Ally
[JP] ほらさっさといってヨネ!
[TL] Here, go on alrady!
Connect Attack Given From Ally
[JP] アリナが食べるから!
[TL] Alina will eat it!

Actives on Self
[JP] まいっか
[TL] Whatever.

Actives on Allies
[JP] 動けば?
[TL] Why don't you make a move?

Actives on Enemies
[JP] むかつくよネ
[TL] It's annoying, isn't it?

Taking Damage
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

Taking Damage While At Critical Health
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

[JP] 人類の美が…
[TL] The beauty of mankind...