Magia Record English Wiki

Magical Girl

自己紹介⓵ - Self Introduction 1
[JP] 十咎ももこです!16歳の高校一年。男兄弟に挟まれて育ったせいか、あたしも見ての通り男勝りっていうか、ガサツっていうか・・・まあ、スポーツが得意になったていう特典もあったんだけどさ。あと、好きなものは・・・ア、アイドル、とか・・・ [Translation]
[NA] Momoko Togame here! I go to school in Kamihama City. I grew up between two brothers, so...well, as you can see, I'm kinda...on the rougher side? Well, anyway, I got real good at sports, so it's got its perks goin' for it. As for things I like, um...w-well, pop stars...

自己紹介⓶ - Self Introduction 2
[JP] 十咎ももこ、参上!なんちゃってな。あたし、友達の魔法少女とチーム組んでてさ、よかったら君も入りなよ! [Translation]
[NA] Momoko Togame reportin' for duty! Heh, just kiddin' around! I've already got a team with some friends who are Magical Girls. Feel free to join up if ya like!

Personal Story

Story Chapter End 1
[JP] いっつもそう・・・あたしって、タイミング悪いんだ・・・笑っちゃうよ。 [Translation]
[NA] This always happens. I have the worst timing. All I can do is laugh!

Story Chapter End 2
[JP] うえぇ?あの子も魔法少女だったの?こんな偶然ありかよ? [Translation]
[NA] Wow! I still can't believe she's a Magical Girl too... What a coincidence!

Story Chapter End 3
[JP] 願いが何であれ、あたしは魔法少女になる運命だったのかなってさ。 [Translation]
[NA] Regardless of what my wish was, maybe it was always my fate to become a Magical Girl.

Story Select 1
[JP] 悪いか!アイドルはアタシの憧れなんだよ! [Translation]
[NA] Is it wrong? I love idols!

Story Select 2
[JP] アタシ…なんで魔法少女になったんだっけ… [Translation]
[NA] Why'd I become a Magical Girl again…?

Story Select 3
[JP] お節介って言われようが放っとけないって! [Translation]
[NA] Call me a meddler if you want. I can't just ignore this!

Story Select 4
[JP] アタシがこういうの好きとか…変だろ…! [Translation]
[NA] Me likin' somethin' like this…it's weird, huh?

Story Select 5
[JP] なーんで、こんな逞しく育っちゃったかねぇ [Translation]
[NA] Why've I grown into such a tough girl?

Story Select 6
[JP] バランス良いだろっ?アタシらのチーム! [Translation]
[NA] My team's well-balanced! Don't you think?

Unused 1
[JP] あーあ…アタシって本っ当タイミング悪い! [Translation]
[NA] Aww...I always have the worst timing!


強化完了 - Strengthening Complete
[JP] ますます逞しい女子に・・・ま、嬉しいんだけどな。 [Translation]
[NA] Man, I'm turnin' into a really buff girl... Oh, but, I'm happy about it!

強化(Lv最大時) - Strengthening Max
[JP] 日ごろの成果が出たってことかな。頑張ってよかった! [Translation]
[NA] Maybe this is the result of keepin' up good habits! Glad I put in all that effort!

エピソードLvアップ - Episode Lvl Up
[JP] 今のあたし、超強気!あたしらなら最強チームになれるかも! [Translation]
[NA] I feel real tough right now! I think we stand a chance at bein' the strongest team around someday!

魔力解放 - Magical Release 1
[JP] 今となっては後悔してない、魔法少女になったこと。だってさ、魔法少女になってなかったら、みんなにも会えなかったんだからさ。 [Translation]
[NA] Now that I'm here, I don't have a single regret about becomin' a Magical Girl. Y'know why? 'Cause if I hadn't become a Magical Girl, I wouldn't have met everybody.

魔力解放 - Magical Release 2
[JP] 一人だったら、とっくの昔に心折れてたよ。みんながそばにいてくれたからここまで頑張れた。・・・なんて、ちょっと照れ臭いけどさ。 [Translation]
[NA] If I was heart woulda been broken a long time ago. But I pulled myself up, thanks to everyone stickin' by me. Heh...kinda sappy, right?

魔力解放 - Magical Release 3
[JP] みんなのおかげでここまで来れた。だからあたしは、この力、みんなのために使いたい。みんなのために、戦い続ける! [Translation]
[NA] It's thanks to everyone else I got this far. So I wanna use this power to help 'em back! I can keep on fightin' for you all!

マギアLvアップ - Magia Lvl Up
[JP] こんなところじゃ終わんない、ってね!まだまだ突っ走るよ! [Translation]
[NA] Ain't no way I'm stoppin' here! I can keep runnin', just watch!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 1
[JP] おっしゃー!早速力試しといきますか! [Translation]
[NA] Woohoo! I gotta go test out this new strength, right away!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 2
[JP] 一人じゃないからさ、みんながいるから、もっともっと強くならないと、って思うんだよ。みんなのことを守りたいから。 [Translation]
[NA] I'm not alone anymore. I got everyone watchin' my back... so I gotta keep gettin' tougher. I wanna protect everyone, after all!

魔法少女覚醒 - Awaken 3
[JP] 家族や友達、大切な人を守るためには、やっぱり強くないとな。魔法少女としての成長の糧になるなら、この腕っ節の強さも、男勝りの性格も、悪くないかな、ってね。 [Translation]
[NA] Obviously I wanna get stronger so I can protect those dear to me, like my family and friends! Hey, if it wound up helpin' me grow as a Magical Girl... I guess it ain't so bad bein' boyish and strong!

Unused 2
[JP] 「バッドタイミングの十咎ももこ」だなんて言わせないよ?拍子抜けしちゃうタイミングのほうが番狂わせっぽくていいだろ?タイミングがなんだって、無敵のパワーの前では関係ないっての!
[TL] Don't you call me "Togame Momoko of Bad Timings"! Coming in at a surprising time and changing the flow makes me look like a tide-turner, right? Bad timing or not, it doesn't matter in the face of undefeatable power!


ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] 待ってたよ!さて、今日も一日頑張りますか。お、そういや、昨日話してたのってどうなった?続き聞かせてよ! [Translation]
[NA] I've been waitin' for you! All right, let's make today the best it can be! Oh! You gotta tell me the rest of that story you were telling me yesterday!

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] はよっす!どうした?なんか、元気なくない?話聞くぐらいならいつでもできるからさ、私でよければ話してよ。 [Translation]
[NA] Mornin'! What's up? You seem kinda down. I'm always here if you wanna talk about what's on your mind. Just let me know.

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] もーお腹すいて死にそう・・・腹が減っては何も出来ぬだよ・・・なあ、そろそろお昼食べにいこうよ。 [Translation]
[NA] I am literally starvin' right now... "Can't do anythin' on an empty stomach." Isn't that what they say? Come on, let's go get some lunch.

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] さてさて、新曲の振りコピしますか!よかったら付き合ってよ!わりかし簡単な振り付けの曲だからさ。 [Translation]
[NA] Time to learn the moves for that new song! Feel free to join in if you like! This one looks pretty easy to learn!

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] ふあぁー・・・もう高校生だってのに、この時間に眠くなっちゃうんだよな・・・ふあぁ・・・ちょっと昼間に騒ぎすぎたかな・・・ふあぁ・・・ [Translation]
[NA] I always get sleepy around this time… Maybe I overexerted myself a bit during the day...Zzz...

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] あっれぇ?あのDVD、レナに貸してたんだっけかなぁ?あ、なあなあ、あたし、あのDVDレナに貸すとかなんとか言ってたっけ? [Translation]
[NA] Hmmm? Did I lend that DVD to Rena? Hey, do you remember me sayin' somethin' about lending that DVD to Rena?

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] 準備できた?あたしはもう、いつでもOKだよ!仕事の後にはご褒美がないとな。終わったら一緒に茶店でもいくか! [Translation]
[NA] Ready? I can leave any time. We've gotta treat ourselves after working so hard! Let's go to a café whenever you're ready!

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] 上等上等!受けて立とうじゃん!だってあたしには最強のチームメンバーが付いてるからな。負ける気なんかさらさらないっての! [Translation]
[NA] Well they asked for it! Let's do this! I mean, I do have the strongest team backin' me up! No way we'll lose!

Unused 3
[JP] そりゃああたしも緊張するけどさ?みんながいるって思ったら、不思議と力が湧いてこない?やっぱさ、チームワークが要だよ。
[TL] Sure, I get a bit nervous too, but don't you feel power coming out of nowhere when you think you've got friends with you? I'm telling you, teamwork is key.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] このぬいぐるみ・・・はっ・・・う、たまたま拾ったっていうか、その・・・こ、こんなかわいいぬいぐるみ、似合わない・・・よな。 [Translation]
[NA] This stuffed animal? Um... I just...found it lyin' around...I mean... I guess a cute toy like this...doesn't really suit me at all, does it?

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] 年上を敬う気持ちは大事だよ。みんな人生の先輩なんだからさ。 [Translation]
[NA] It's important to respect your elders, okay? They all have way more experience than us.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] アイドルはやっぱ現場だろ!一度だって同じライブはないんだよ。あの空気、味わっちゃたらやめられないよな! [Translation]
[NA] It's all about live performances when it comes to pop music! No two concerts are alike, ya see. The atmosphere at those shows... It's addictive!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] うわぁ!なんだよ!急にやめろって!ビックリすんじゃん・・・ [Translation]
[NA] Nnghh?! Wh-what?! Comin' at me all of a sudden... You scared me...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] まあ、レナって最初は怖いかもしんないけどさ、でも根はいい子だから。あたしは結構好きなんだよな、レナの意地っ張りなとこ。 [Translation]
[NA] Sure, Rena can be a bit scary at first. But deep down, she's a good kid. I actually really like her stubbornness.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] 超強気なレナに、お人よしすぎるかえで。いいじゃんいいじゃん!チームはバランス!デコボコに見えて、案外まとまってんだよ。 [Translation]
[NA] Compared to Rena, Kaede is super gentle. They're the perfect combo! A truly balanced team. You wouldn't think it, but we all work together great!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] やちよってすごいよな。だって、プロのモデルだよ?いつもは普通にしゃべってるけどさ、雑誌とかに乗ってるの見ると「おおっ!」ってなるよ! [Translation]
[NA] Yachiyo's pretty amazin'. I mean, she's a professional model! She always talks to you so normally, but when you see her in magazines, it's like, "Whoa!"

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] 告白する勇気を願ったのに、好きな人にはもう恋人がいた・・・どう、この絡まりっぷり?だからバッドタイミングのももこなんだよ。 [Translation]
[NA] I wished for the courage to tell the boy I liked how I felt about him, but he already had a girlfriend... Ironic, huh? There's a reason they call me Bad-Timing-Momoko.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] はいはいはいはい、わかったから!ちょっと落ち着きなって!そんなに焦ってどうしたよ? [Translation]
[NA] Okay, okay, okay, okay! I get it, all right?! Just calm down for a sec! What's gotten into you?


クエスト開始 - Battle Start
[JP] リラックス、リラックス! [Translation]
[NA] Everyone relax!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 1
[JP] スッキリさっぱりだなっ! [Translation]
[NA] Neat and clean, just the way I like it!

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 2
[JP] やっぱチームワークだろ! [Translation]
[NA] It's all about team work, right?

クエスト勝利 - Battle Victory 3
[JP] これからもフォローよろしくな! [Translation]
[NA] I'm countin' on you to back me up from here on!

Unused 5
[JP] みんながいるんだから!当然だろ! [Translation]
[NA] All of us are here! It was bound to turn out like this.


Disc Select 1
[JP] 決めた!
[TL] This is it!

Disc Select 2
[JP] これか?
[TL] Is this is?

Disc Select 3
[JP] ええっと?
[TL] Umm...?

Disc Select 4
[JP] オッケー!
[TL] Okay!

Targeting Ally With Connect Disc Select
[JP] よろしく!
[TL] I'm leaving this to you!

Targeted By Connect Disc Select From Ally
[JP] おし来た!
[TL] Here it comes!

Attack 1
[JP] 降参したほうがいいんじゃない?
[TL] Might be better for you to surrender!

Attack 2
[JP] やられたままでいられるか!
[TL] Can't end on a bad note!

Attack 3
[JP] チャンス逃してたまるか!
[TL] Not gonna miss that chance!

Attack 4
[JP] 行け!
[TL] Let's go!

Attack 5
[JP] ソイヤッ!
[TL] Here it goes!

Attack 6
[JP] 当たれ!
[TL] C'mon, hit!

Attack 7
[JP] もっと!
[TL] More!

Attack 8
[JP] まだまだ!
[TL] Not over yet!

Attack 9
[JP] ラスト!
[TL] Last one!

Attack 10
[JP] 決める!
[TL] I'll end it here!

Magia (1) (Note: The lines used in the game varies; they are normally a mix of Magia and Attack voice lines.)
[JP] 最後の一発、しっかり受け止めてくれよな!
[TL] This is my last shot. Enjoy it!
Magia (2)
[JP] あたしに任せてくれちゃっていいよ!行っけー!
[TL] Leave it all to me! Let's go!
Magia (3)
[JP] みんなに手間は取らせない!この一撃で終わらせてやる!
[TL] Don't you all worry! I'll end it with this one attack!
Magia (4)
[JP] 喧嘩売ったこと後悔しな!チームの絆を舐めんな!
[TL] You best regret picking a fight with us! Don't underestimate our trust in the team!
Doppel (Note: While most characters have Doppel sounds, this does not imply a release of the character's Doppel any time in the foreseeable future)
[JP] 空回ってなんか、いないっての!
[TL] I'm not working hard for nothing, I'm telling you!
Giving Connect Attack To Ally
[JP] 全力でサポートするから!
[TL] I'll support you as best I can!
Connect Attack Given From Ally
[JP] 行くぞ!
[TL] Let's go!

Actives on Self
[JP] 行くぞ!
[TL] Let's go!

Actives on Allies
[JP] 全力でサポートするから!
[TL] I'll support you as best I can!

Actives on Enemies
[JP] やられたままでいられるか!
[TL] Can't end on a bad note!

Taking Damage
[JP] うっ!
[TL] Ugh!

Taking Damage While At Critical Health
[JP] ああっ!
[TL] Argh!

[JP] そんな・・・
[TL] It can't be...

Additional Battle Line
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation

ログイン(初回ログイン時) - Login (First login)
[JP] おう!来たね〜。いや〜暑い中ごくろうさん。まあそ、慌てなくっていいって。まずは水分と塩分をたっぷり補給しな。話はそれから!
[NA] There ya are! Good work, gettin' here in this heat! Now don't lose your cool, 'kay? Let's replinish those fluids and salts before we talk!

ログイン(朝) - Login (Morning)
[JP] 今日はどうする〜?スイカ割り、ビーチバレー、砂のアート作り。海はやれることが多くて楽しいな〜♪お、遠泳ももちろん歓迎だよ!
[NA] Whatcha wanna do today? Watermelon splitting, beach volleyball, sand sculptures? There's tons of fun stuff to do by the sea! Ah, swimmin' a marathon's always an option, too!

ログイン(昼) - Login (Noon)
[JP] ほいお待たせ〜!焼きそば、お好み焼きに、たこ焼き、あと唐揚げと串焼きね!あはは…また茶色一食になっちゃったけど…まあ美味しいから!
[NA] Sorry to keep ya! Here, yakisoba, okonomiyaki, and takoyaki. Plus some fried chicken and kebabs... Lots of brown stuff like usual, yeah, but it's all tasty!

ログイン(夜) - Login (Evening)
[JP] おっ、空!見てみな!海で見る夕焼けってのもいいものだな〜。普段と変わらない夕焼けのはずだけど、なんか特別な景色に思えてくるよ。
[NA] Whoa! Look at the sky! The sun looks so pretty as it sets. It's the same sun as always, but somehow it feels special here...

ログイン(深夜) - Login (Night)
[JP] 今日も沢山泳いだな〜!くうう〜〜いったっ!ここ、こんなに日に焼けていたのか。調子にのって焼きすぎちゃったかな。
[NA] I swam so much today! Urk...ouch! Wow, I'm more sunburned than I thought... Guess I went a little overboard?

ログイン(その他) - Login (Other)
[JP] 今度、みんなで夏っぽい旅行をしたいな〜。海で遊んで、バーベキューして、花火して、寝る!夏休みを詰め込んだ感じがしていいよな〜!
[NA] I wanna go somewhere summery with the gals sometime soon! We can play in the sea, have barbecues, set fireworks, sleep! The full summer package!

ログイン(AP最大時) - Login (AP full)
[JP] じゃあ行きますか!今日の目的は、神浜市営プールだよ。レナはウォータースライダーに挑戦するみたいだけど、アタシは…やめとこうかな〜
[NA] Off we go! We're headed to the Kamihama Community Pool today. Rena's gonna try out the water slide, but I think...I'm gonna pass.

ログイン(BP最大時) - Login (BP full)
[JP] へえ〜!みんな可愛い水着で来てるじゃん!いいね〜似合ってるね〜♪知ってる顔もいるし、ちょっと挨拶してくるよ。
[NA] Wow! Everyone showed up in such cute swimsuits! Nice, everybody looks amazin'! I see a few familiar faces, too. I better go say hello!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 1
[JP] おっ、この音って。あったあった!風鈴の屋台!意外かもしれないけど、アタシ好きなんだよね〜。模様が綺麗で音がかわいくて。癒やされるんだよな〜
[NA] That noise... I knew it! There's a wind chime stall! Bet you didn't expect me to be into wind chimes! The designs are so pretty, and the sound is so soothin'...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 2
[JP] か、かわいい…!あ、いや、え〜と。そのペガサスの浮き輪、かわいいなって思ってさ。いいよ〜、どうせアタシには似合わないさ。
[NA] S-sooo cute! Um, I mean, uh! That pegasus swim float is just, kinda adorable... It's fine, it's not like it suits me!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 3
[JP] あ〜急に雨が降ってきてビックリしたよ〜。雨宿り出来る場所も全然なくてさ〜。バッドタイミングのももこをここで発揮するとはね〜。
[NA] *Sigh* That rain really came outta nowhere. Nowhere to stand under for cover, either... Momoko's bad timing strikes again!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 4
[JP] アイス食べる?いや、この暑さでレナとかえでがへばっちゃってさ、買ってきたんだ。ほら、たくさんあるから、好きな味選んでいいよ?
[NA] Want some ice cream? Seriously, Rena and Kaede were wiped from the heat so I went to get 'em some. See how many I got? Pick your fave!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 5
[JP] 調製屋って、海に行ったことあるのかな〜。アイツはどう見てもインドア派だし、なさそうだよな〜。よし!今度誘ってみるかな!
[NA] Wonder if the Coordinator's ever been to the ocean. She seems like the type who prefers to stay inside, so I guess not? We should invite her out next time!

魔法少女タップ - Tap 6
[JP] かえでが、家で育てたスイカを差し入れてくれてさ〜。すんごい美味しかったよ!かなり大きかったんだけど、弟たちと一緒に食べたら一瞬で消えたよ〜
[NA] Kaede let me have one of the watermelons she grew at home. It was SO tasty! It was huge, but my brothers demolished it in seconds...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 7
[JP] アイドルフェスに行こうってレナと話しててさ、レナにバスと宿を予約してもらうんだ。あははは…細かいことってアタシはどうにも苦手でね〜
[NA] I talked to Rena about goin' to an idol show, and she's gonna book us tickets and a room. Ha ha ha... I'm bad at plannin' nitty gritty stuff like that...

魔法少女タップ - Tap 8
[JP] 水着って、体のラインがでるだろ〜?アタシも普段は気にしないけど、水着はやっぱね〜…。案外女子っぽい、ってレナに笑われちゃったよ〜
[NA] Swimsuits show off your figure, ya know? I don't usually care about that stuff, but swimsuits are different... Rena laughed and said I was bein' weirdly girly.

魔法少女タップ - Tap 9
[JP] アタシ、今日は決めてることがあるんだ!それは、レナとかえでと3人で、水着で集合写真を撮る!アタシ達チーム3人の夏の思い出にするんだ!
[NA] I made up my mind about somethin' today! Me, Rena, and Kaede are gonna take a group shot in our swimsuits! It'll make a good summer memento for us!

Unused 3
[JP] Japanese quote needed
[TL] No translation
