Magia Record English Wiki
Enemy 7103 l Zabaii
No translation
Play train
Type: Familiar
Enemy ID: 7103
Drop Item: Sandbox Scallop Sandbox Scallop
No Data


いつも手下同士でじゃれあって遊んでいる。体質のせいか転がって遊び回っていると、その辺に落ちているものが体にくっついてしまう。 その度に魔女に取ってもらっているが、手下たちはそのことに全く気付いていない。次の城について悩んでいる魔女を見ると手伝いには来てくれる。ただ、どう作っても魔女には満足してもらえないため、すぐに飽きて他へ行ってしまうことが多い。

These familiars are always playing amongst each other. Due to the nature of their body, as they rough and tumble around, various things that are strewn about become attached to them. Whenever this happens, their witch cleans them off, but the familiars do not notice this occurring at all. The familiars gather to help when they see their witch deciding on her next castle to build. However, no matter how they build it, she fails to be appeased, so they often quickly grow bored and go somewhere else.

Related Familiar/Witch

